AMQP message processor daemon written in PHP
You can download the latest release from the release page on GitHub.
It is recommended to place the executable phar into its own folder and than symlink it in /usr/local/bin/rabbitd
another folder included in $PATH
You must provide a configuration file for rabbitd. Example:
log_file: /var/log/rabbitd.log # Log filename
verbosity: very_verbose # Log verbosity. Could be: quiet, normal, verbose, very_verbose or debug
pid_file: /var/run/
plugins_dir: /usr/local/rabbitd/plugins
# AMQP connection parameters
hostname: localhost
port: 5672
username: guest
password: guest
# AMQP queues configuration
connection: default # Connection name
queue_name: task_queue # Queue name
exchange: # Connect this queue to an exchange
name: exchange_1
type: fanout
processes: 1 # Process count per queue
user: nobody # Change worker process user (requires master to be executed as root)
group: nogroup # Change worker process group (requires master to be executed as root)
# Master execution options
user: root # Master process user
group: nogroup # Master process group
When configured, it is recommended to execute the update dependencies command in order to update the daemon and the plugins libraries and dependencies.
$ rabbitd update-deps --config=/etc/rabbitd.yml
In order to handle messages you have to write your own plugin. You can find more about this in its own documentation (todo).
$ rabbitd --config=/etc/rabbitd.yml