Professor X: For someone who hates mutants... you certainly keep some strange company. William Stryker: Oh, they serve their purpose... as long as they can be controlled.
Stryker offers mutation testing for your .NET Core and .NET Framework projects. It allows you to test your tests by temporarily inserting bugs in your source code
For an introduction to mutation testing and Stryker's features, see Looking for mutation testing in JavaScript & Typescript or Scala?
Stryker is installed using NuGet as a dotnet core tool
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dotnet tool install -g dotnet-stryker
Starting from dotnet core 3.0 dotnet tools can also be installed on a project level. This requires the following steps:
Create a file called dotnet-tools.json in your project folder
dotnet new tool-manifest
Then install stryker without the -g flag by executing the following command in the project folder
dotnet tool install dotnet-stryker
Check the dotnet-tools.json
file into source control
Now the rest of your team can install or update stryker with the following command:
dotnet tool restore
Now you can run stryker from your test project directory by executing:
dotnet stryker
Dotnet tools do not auto update so you are responsible for making sure you're up-to-date. To help with this stryker will notify you when a new version is available
To update stryker as a global tool run dotnet tool update --global dotnet-stryker
To update stryker as a project tool run dotnet tool update --local dotnet-stryker
or change the version in the dotnet-tools.json
file. Then check in the updated dotnet-tools.json
For the full documentation on how to use Stryker.NET, see our configuration docs
Runs on test projects targeting:
- netcoreapp 1.1+
- netframework 4.5+
Dotnet core runtime 3.1+ needs to be available on your system to run dotnet stryker.
For .NET Framework projects, Stryker.NET requires nuget.exe to be installed on your system. Please follow their installation instructions.
Right now, Stryker.NET supports the following mutations:
- Arithmetic Operators
- Equality Operators
- Boolean Literals
- Assignment statements
- Collection initialization
- Unary Operators
- Update Operators
- Checked Statements
- Linq Methods
- String Literals
- Bitwise Operators
For the full list of all available mutations, see the mutator docs.
- Html reporter
- Dashboard reporter
- Console reporter
- Progress reporter
- Console dots reporter
- Json reporter
For the full list of all available reporters, see the reporter docs.
Want to help develop Stryker.NET? Check out our contribution guide.
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