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added hcat/vcat/hvcat methods for UniformScaling (JuliaLang#19305)
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* added hcat/vcat/hvcat methods for UniformScaling

* NEWS for 19305

* unified speye and sparse(I) code, and added a note about the latter in the docs of the former
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stevengj authored and fcard committed Feb 28, 2017
1 parent 13298fc commit 9df0761
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Showing 6 changed files with 150 additions and 10 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ Library improvements
* BitArrays can now be constructed from arbitrary iterables, in particular from generator expressions,
e.g. `BitArray(isodd(x) for x = 1:100)` ([#19018]).

* `hcat`, `vcat`, and `hvcat` now work with `UniformScaling` objects, so
you can now do e.g. `[A I]` and it will concatenate an appropriately sized
identity matrix ([#19305]).

Compiler/Runtime improvements

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102 changes: 101 additions & 1 deletion base/linalg/uniformscaling.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

import Base: copy, ctranspose, getindex, show, transpose, one, zero, inv
import Base: copy, ctranspose, getindex, show, transpose, one, zero, inv,
@_pure_meta, hcat, vcat, hvcat
import Base.LinAlg: SingularException

immutable UniformScaling{T<:Number}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,3 +167,102 @@ inv(J::UniformScaling) = UniformScaling(inv(J.λ))

isapprox{T<:Number,S<:Number}(J1::UniformScaling{T}, J2::UniformScaling{S};
rtol::Real=Base.rtoldefault(T,S), atol::Real=0) = isapprox(J1.λ, J2.λ, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

function copy!(A::AbstractMatrix, J::UniformScaling)
size(A,1)==size(A,2) || throw(DimensionMismatch("a UniformScaling can only be copied to a square matrix"))
fill!(A, 0)
λ = J.λ
for i = 1:size(A,1)
@inbounds A[i,i] = λ
return A

# promote_to_arrays(n,k, T, A...) promotes any UniformScaling matrices
# in A to matrices of type T and sizes given by n[k:end]. n is an array
# so that the same promotion code can be used for hvcat. We pass the type T
# so that we can re-use this code for sparse-matrix hcat etcetera.
promote_to_arrays_{T}(n::Int, ::Type{Matrix}, J::UniformScaling{T}) = copy!(Matrix{T}(n,n), J)
promote_to_arrays_(n::Int, ::Type, A::AbstractVecOrMat) = A
promote_to_arrays(n,k, ::Type) = ()
promote_to_arrays{T}(n,k, ::Type{T}, A) = (promote_to_arrays_(n[k], T, A),)
promote_to_arrays{T}(n,k, ::Type{T}, A, B) =
(promote_to_arrays_(n[k], T, A), promote_to_arrays_(n[k+1], T, B))
promote_to_arrays{T}(n,k, ::Type{T}, A, B, C) =
(promote_to_arrays_(n[k], T, A), promote_to_arrays_(n[k+1], T, B), promote_to_arrays_(n[k+2], T, C))
promote_to_arrays{T}(n,k, ::Type{T}, A, B, Cs...) =
(promote_to_arrays_(n[k], T, A), promote_to_arrays_(n[k+1], T, B), promote_to_arrays(n,k+2, T, Cs...)...)
promote_to_array_type(A::Tuple{Vararg{Union{AbstractVecOrMat,UniformScaling}}}) = (@_pure_meta; Matrix)

for (f,dim,name) in ((:hcat,1,"rows"), (:vcat,2,"cols"))
@eval begin
function $f(A::Union{AbstractVecOrMat,UniformScaling}...)
n = 0
for a in A
if !isa(a, UniformScaling)
na = size(a,$dim)
n > 0 && n != na &&
throw(DimensionMismatch(string("number of ", $name,
" of each array must match (got ", n, " and ", na, ")")))
n = na
n == 0 && throw(ArgumentError($("$f of only UniformScaling objects cannot determine the matrix size")))
return $f(promote_to_arrays(fill(n,length(A)),1, promote_to_array_type(A), A...)...)

function hvcat(rows::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, A::Union{AbstractVecOrMat,UniformScaling}...)
nr = length(rows)
sum(rows) == length(A) || throw(ArgumentError("mismatch between row sizes and number of arguments"))
n = zeros(Int, length(A))
needcols = false # whether we also need to infer some sizes from the column count
j = 0
for i = 1:nr # infer UniformScaling sizes from row counts, if possible:
ni = 0 # number of rows in this block-row
for k = 1:rows[i]
if !isa(A[j+k], UniformScaling)
na = size(A[j+k], 1)
ni > 0 && ni != na &&
throw(DimensionMismatch("mismatch in number of rows"))
ni = na
if ni > 0
for k = 1:rows[i]
n[j+k] = ni
else # row consisted only of UniformScaling objects
needcols = true
j += rows[i]
if needcols # some sizes still unknown, try to infer from column count
nc = j = 0
for i = 1:nr
nci = 0
rows[i] > 0 && n[j+1] == 0 && continue # column count unknown in this row
for k = 1:rows[i]
nci += isa(A[j+k], UniformScaling) ? n[j+k] : size(A[j+k], 2)
nc > 0 && nc != nci && throw(DimensionMismatch("mismatch in number of columns"))
nc = nci
j += rows[i]
nc == 0 && throw(ArgumentError("sizes of UniformScalings could not be inferred"))
j = 0
for i = 1:nr
if rows[i] > 0 && n[j+1] == 0 # this row consists entirely of UniformScalings
nci = nc ÷ rows[i]
nci * rows[i] != nc && throw(DimensionMismatch("indivisible UniformScaling sizes"))
for k = 1:rows[i]
n[j+k] = nci
j += rows[i]
return hvcat(rows, promote_to_arrays(n,1, promote_to_array_type(A), A...)...)
24 changes: 16 additions & 8 deletions base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1374,22 +1374,30 @@ eye(S::SparseMatrixCSC) = speye(S)
Create a sparse identity matrix of size `m x m`. When `n` is supplied,
create a sparse identity matrix of size `m x n`. The type defaults to `Float64`
if not specified.
`sparse(I, m, n)` is equivalent to `speye(Int, m, n)`, and
`sparse(α*I, m, n)` can be used to efficiently create a sparse
multiple `α` of the identity matrix.
function speye(T::Type, m::Integer, n::Integer)
((m < 0) || (n < 0)) && throw(ArgumentError("invalid Array dimensions"))
x = min(m,n)
rowval = [1:x;]
colptr = [rowval; fill(Int(x+1), n+1-x)]
nzval = ones(T, x)
return SparseMatrixCSC(m, n, colptr, rowval, nzval)
speye(T::Type, m::Integer, n::Integer) = speye_scaled(one(T), m, n)

function one{T}(S::SparseMatrixCSC{T})
m,n = size(S)
if m != n; throw(DimensionMismatch("multiplicative identity only defined for square matrices")); end
speye(T, m)

function speye_scaled(diag, m::Integer, n::Integer)
((m < 0) || (n < 0)) && throw(ArgumentError("invalid array dimensions"))
nnz = min(m,n)
colptr = Array(Int, 1+n)
colptr[1:nnz+1] = 1:nnz+1
colptr[nnz+2:end] = nnz+1
SparseMatrixCSC(Int(m), Int(n), colptr, Vector{Int}(1:nnz), fill(diag, nnz))

sparse(S::UniformScaling, m::Integer, n::Integer=m) = speye_scaled(S.λ, m, n)

## Unary arithmetic and boolean operators

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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion base/sparse/sparsevector.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@

### Common definitions

import Base: scalarmax, scalarmin, sort, find, findnz
import Base: scalarmax, scalarmin, sort, find, findnz, @_pure_meta
import Base.LinAlg: promote_to_array_type, promote_to_arrays_

### The SparseVector

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -895,6 +896,11 @@ function hvcat(rows::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, X::_SparseConcatGroup...)

# make sure UniformScaling objects are converted to sparse matrices for concatenation
promote_to_array_type(A::Tuple{Vararg{Union{_SparseConcatGroup,UniformScaling}}}) = (@_pure_meta; SparseMatrixCSC)
promote_to_array_type(A::Tuple{Vararg{Union{_DenseConcatGroup,UniformScaling}}}) = (@_pure_meta; Matrix)
promote_to_arrays_{T}(n::Int, ::Type{SparseMatrixCSC}, J::UniformScaling{T}) = sparse(J, n,n)

# Concatenations strictly involving un/annotated dense matrices/vectors should yield dense arrays
cat(catdims, xs::_DenseConcatGroup...) = Base.cat_t(catdims, promote_eltype(xs...), xs...)
vcat(A::_DenseConcatGroup...) = Base.typed_vcat(promote_eltype(A...), A...)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/stdlib/arrays.rst
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Expand Up @@ -2237,6 +2237,8 @@ dense counterparts. The following functions are specific to sparse arrays.
Create a sparse identity matrix of size ``m x m``\ . When ``n`` is supplied, create a sparse identity matrix of size ``m x n``\ . The type defaults to ``Float64`` if not specified.

``sparse(I, m, n)`` is equivalent to ``speye(Int, m, n)``\ , and ``sparse(α*I, m, n)`` can be used to efficiently create a sparse multiple ``α`` of the identity matrix.

.. function:: speye(S)

.. Docstring generated from Julia source
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions test/linalg/uniformscaling.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ srand(123)
@test one(UniformScaling(rand(Complex128))) == one(UniformScaling{Complex128})
@test eltype(one(UniformScaling(rand(Complex128)))) == Complex128
@test -one(UniformScaling(2)) == UniformScaling(-1)
@test sparse(3I,4,5) == spdiagm(fill(3,4),0,4,5)
@test sparse(3I,5,4) == spdiagm(fill(3,4),0,5,4)

@testset "istriu, istril, issymmetric, ishermitian, isapprox" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,3 +146,21 @@ B = bitrand(2,2)

@testset "hcat and vcat" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError hcat(I)
@test_throws ArgumentError [I I]
@test_throws ArgumentError vcat(I)
@test_throws ArgumentError [I; I]
@test_throws ArgumentError [I I; I]
for T in (Matrix, SparseMatrixCSC)
A = T(rand(3,4))
B = T(rand(3,3))
@test (hcat(A,2I))::T == hcat(A,2eye(3,3))
@test (vcat(A,2I))::T == vcat(A,2eye(4,4))
@test (hcat(I,3I,A,2I))::T == hcat(eye(3,3),3eye(3,3),A,2eye(3,3))
@test (vcat(I,3I,A,2I))::T == vcat(eye(4,4),3eye(4,4),A,2eye(4,4))
@test (hvcat((2,1,2),B,2I,I,3I,4I))::T ==

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