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Ansible role to deploy a docker compose or stack used by NAU

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Ansible Docker Deploy

Ansible utility role to easily deploy a docker compose or stack. It copies, templates and git clones a repository and then deploys the software using docker compose/stack. Additionally waits for containers to become healthy.

This role doesn't install docker, docker compose or docker stack. The focus is the deployment of containers.


Only ansible.

Compatible with ansible 2.7 (only docker-compose) and 2.9.

Role Variables

The docker_deploy_base_folder variable is the destination of the docker-compose.yml or docker-stack.yml file. The idea is to be the base directory where everything goes to the target machine.

Variables that can be used to copy, template or git clone a list of those assets using the variables:

  • docker_deploy_files - copy files, default value [];
  • docker_deploy_templates - list of templates, default value [];
  • docker_deploy_git_repositories - to clone a list of repositories, default value [];

You can get the git version of the git of each docker_deploy_git_repositories by adding an attribute fact so the role define a new fact that could be used within the templates or within the compose. You can use a specific ssh key to clone the git repository if you define a ssh_key

This role can deploy a docker compose to the ansible target server or a docker stack to a docker swarm.

The next 2 variables decide the mode of the deploy, or a compose or a stack::

  • docker_deploy_compose_template - deploy a docker compose to the target ansible server
  • docker_deploy_stack_template - deploy a docker stack to the docker swarm

Compose mode

If you define docker_deploy_compose_template variable, the role by default would use the ansible role docker_service. But because ansible only supports the docker-compose '2' specification, this role has an additional option that use the docker-compose up command directly. So if you need to use the docker-compose syntax > 2.0, you need to assign true to the variable docker_deploy_shell.

  • docker_deploy_shell_start_default - by default uses the command docker-compose pull && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d that pull's, build's and startup the compose. If you want to --force-recreate if any file, template or git repository has changed. You can should add --force-recreate to the docker_deploy_shell_start_default_additional_parameters_if_changed ansible variable. If you want to always add parameters to the docker-compose command you should use the docker_deploy_shell_start_default_additional_parameters ansible variable.

  • docker_deploy_force_restart - to forcefully restart / recreate the containers

Stack mode

To execute this ansible role using the docker stack mode, you need to defined the variable:

  • docker_deploy_stack_template - the file to be templated that contains the docker stack definition.

Optional parameter:

  • docker_deploy_stack_name - the name of the stack, by default uses the basename of the folder defined in the docker_deploy_base_folder variable.

Advanced parameters

Each template defined in docker_deploy_templates or file defined in docker_deploy_files can have a attribute config_name and/or secret_name that makes this ansible role to create a docker config or a docker secret.

Because the docker config and secrets are idempotent, you can't easily update them. The solution documented in multiple forums is to suffix each config/secret with a checksum. This ansible role make this pattern more easily by defining an ansible fact (variable) to each templated / copied docker config or secret. Example:

  • docker_deploy_config_<stack name or basename of the base folder>_<config_name>
  • docker_deploy_secret_<stack name or basename of the base folder>_<secret_name>
      - source: my_config_name_{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['docker_deploy_config_' + docker_deploy_stack_name + '_' + 'my_config_name' ][:10] }}
        target: /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf
{% for template in ( docker_deploy_templates | selectattr('config_name', 'defined') | list ) %}
  my_config_name_{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['docker_deploy_config_' + docker_deploy_stack_name + '_' + 'my_config_name' ][:10] }}:
    file: {{ template.dest }}
{% endfor %}


Any. Only ansible.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

Example 1:

  - hosts: servers
        - role: ansible-docker-deploy
            docker_deploy_compose_template: "path_to/docker-compose.yml"

Example 2:

- hosts: servers
      - role: ansible-docker-deploy
          docker_deploy_compose_template: "path_to/docker-compose.yml"
            - src: "local_path/cert.key.pem"
              dest: "{{ docker_deploy_base_folder }}/cert.key.pem"
            - src: "local_path/nginx.conf"
              dest: "{{ docker_deploy_base_folder }}/nginx.conf"
            - src: "local_path/Makefile"
              dest: "{{ docker_deploy_base_folder }}/Makefile"

Example 3:

group vars

    docker_deploy_compose_template: "path_to/docker-compose.yml"
    - repo:
      dest: "{{ wordpress_nau_theme_dest }}"
      version: "{{ wordpress_nau_theme_version | default('master') }}"
      force: true
      owner: www-data
      group: www-data
      mode: u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX
      fact: wordpress_nau_theme_git_version
      # ssh_key: "{{ SSH_KEY_CONTENT }}"


    hosts: servers
        - ansible-docker-deploy

Example 4:

group vars

    docker_deploy_stack_template: "path_to/docker-stack.yml"
    docker_deploy_stack_name: wordpress
    - repo:
      dest: "{{ wordpress_nau_theme_dest }}"
      version: "{{ wordpress_nau_theme_version | default('master') }}"
      force: true
      owner: www-data
      group: www-data
      mode: u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX
      fact: wordpress_nau_theme_git_version
      # ssh_key: "{{ SSH_KEY_CONTENT }}"


    hosts: servers
        - ansible-docker-deploy

Test this role

To test the syntax run:

virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible==2.7.12
printf '[defaults]\nroles_path=../' >ansible.cfg
ansible-playbook tests/test.yml -i tests/inventory --syntax-check



Author Information

Ivo Branco


Ansible role to deploy a docker compose or stack used by NAU






No packages published
