Python library and scripts to retrieve and displays photos informations from lightroom catalog
- Execute SQL requests outside of Lightroom
- Catalog opened in read only, so scripts can be executed when Lightroom is running.
- 2 scripts available : lrselect for generic selection based on various criteria, and lrsmart for executing smart collections
- Options for display sql request, result count, results
- OS windows 10 64 bits
- Lightroom 6.x, Classic CC
- Python >= 3.7
- Scripts running under windows console or cygwin
- run "
pip install git+
or - download zip file project
- extract zip file and execute in main directory "
python install
Scripts (
) are installed in Scripts directory of python
Modify the config file lrtools.ini :
- LRCatalog : the default Lightroom catalog to use
- DayFirst : parsing date format ("DD-MM-YY" if True, else "YY-MM-DD")
import sys
from lrtools.lrcat import LRCatDB, LRCatException
from lrtools.lrselectgeneric import LRSelectException
from lrtools.display import display_results
# open Lightroom catalog
lrdb = LRCatDB("D:\Lightroom\Mycatalog.lrcat")
except LRCatException as _e:
sys.exit(' ==> FAILED: %s' % _e)
# select photos
columns = "name,datecapt, keywords"
criteria = "datecapt=>=2016-5-15, datecapt=<=2018-1-31, keyword=beach, keyword=family, rating=>3"
rows = lrdb.lrphoto.select_generic(columns, criteria).fetchall()
except LRSelectException as _e:
sys.exit(' ==> FAILED: %s' % _e)
# and display results
display_results(rows, columns, header=True)
Retrieves and displays various informations about photos or collections
It build SQL SELECT request from 2 strings describing informations to display, and criteria to search
``usage: [OPTIONS] columns criteria``
- Options for display sql request, result count, partial results
- Jokers "%" can be used in criterion of type string (ex:name=%ab%)
- Criteria are combined with AND (the comma character ","), OR (the vertical line character "|" ) and parenthesis operators
- Allows several same criterion (ex: "datecapt=>=1-5-2016, datecapt=<=1-9-2018, keyword=sea, keyword=tree")
photos taken around Paris, with camera RX100, between may and august 2018, and modified in lightroom since august 2019: "name, focal, speed, aperture, keywords" "gps=paris+10, camera=%rx100%, datecapt=>=1-5-2018, datecapt=<=1-7-2018, datemod=>=1-8-2019" * Photo results (2 photos) : name | focal | speed | apert | keywords =========================================================== RX100_01399.tif | 10.89 | 1/160 | F5.6 | family,paris RX100_01598.DNG | 8.8 | 1/80 | F5.0 | museum,paris
photos with specific name, iso > 1600, focal > 200mm and aperture > F/8 : "name,datecapt,iso,focal,aperture,speed,lens" "name=D7K_%,iso=>=1600,focal=>=200,aperture=>8" --max_lines 2 * Photo results (first 2 photos on 8) : name | datecapt | iso | focal | apert | speed | lens =========================================================================================================== D7K_01977.JPG | 2013-09-04T15:55:01 | 1600 | 280.0 | F20.0 | 1/500 | 55.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6 D7K_13025.DNG | 2014-12-07T14:46:08 | 3200 | 300.0 | F9.0 | 1/500 | 55.0-300.0 mm f/4.5-5.6
list of 70mm lenses used with nikon cameras : "camera,lens" "camera=nikon D8%, lens=%70%, distinct, sort=-1" --results --sql * SQL request = SELECT DISTINCT cm.value, el.value FROM Adobe_images i LEFT JOIN AgHarvestedExifMetadata em on i.id_local = em.image LEFT JOIN AgInternedExifCameraModel cm on cm.id_local = em.cameraModelRef LEFT JOIN AgInternedExifLens el on el.id_local = em.lensRef WHERE cm.value LIKE "nikon D8%" AND el.value LIKE "%70%" ORDER BY 1 ASC * Photo results (2 photos) : camera | lens ============================================== NIKON D80 | 17.0-70.0 mm f/2.8-4.0 NIKON D800E | 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8
list of camera Canon used : "camera" "camera=canon%, distinct" -r * Photo results (4 photos) : camera ===================== Canon PowerShot G2 Canon DIGITAL IXUS Canon PowerShot G10 Canon EOS 5D
number of photos with "boat" and "family" keywords : "" "keyword=Boat,keyword=family" --count * Count results: 65
usage: [-h] [-b LRCAT] [-s] [-c] [-r] [-n MAX_LINES] [-f FILE]
[-t {photo,collection}] [-N] [--raw_print]
[--log LOG]
[columns] [criteria]
Select elements from SQL table from Lightroom catalog.
For photo : specify the "columns" to display and the "criteria of selection in :
columns :
- 'name'='base'|'basext'|'full' : base name, basename + extension, full name (path,name, extension)
With 'base_vc', 'basext_vc', 'full_vc' names for virtual copies are completed with copy name.
- 'id' : id photo (Adobe_images.id_local)
- 'uuid' : UUID photo (Adobe_images.id_global)
- 'rating' : rating/note
- 'colorlabel' : color and label
- 'datemod' : modificaton date
- 'datecapt' : capture date
- 'modcount' : number of modifications
- 'master' : master image of virtual copy
- 'xmp' : all xmp metadatas
- 'vname' : virtual copy name
- 'stackpos' : position in stack
- 'stack' : stack identifier
- 'keywords' : keywords list
- 'collections': collections list
- 'exif' : 'var:SQLCOLUMN' : display column in table AgHarvestedExifMetadata. Ex: "exif=var:hasgps"
- 'extfile' : extension of an external/extension file (jpg,xmp,...)
- 'dims' : image dimensions in form <WIDTH>x<HEIGHT>
- 'aspectratio': aspect ratio (width/height)
- 'camera' : camera name
- 'lens' : lens name
- 'iso' : ISO value
- 'focal' : focal lens
- 'aperture' : aperture lens
- 'speed' : speed shutter
- 'latitude' : GPS latitude
- 'longitude' : GPS longitude
- 'creator' : photo creator
- 'caption' : photo caption
- 'pubname' : remote path and name of published photo
- 'pubcollection' : name of publish collection
- 'pubtime' : published datetime in seconds from 2001-1-1
criterias :
- 'name' : (str) filename without extension
- 'exactname' : (str) filename insensitive without extension
- 'ext' : (str) file extension
- 'id' : (int) photo id (Adobe_images.id_local)
- 'uuid' : (string) photo UUID (Adobe_images.id_global)
- 'rating' : (str) [operator (<,<=,>,=, ...)] and rating/note. (ex: "rating==5")
- 'colorlabel' : (str) color and label. Color names are localized (Bleu, Rouge,...)
- 'flag' : (str) flag status : 'flagged', 'unflagged', 'rejected'. (ex: "flag=flagged")
- 'creator' : (str) photo creator
- 'caption' : (true/false/str) photo caption
- 'datecapt' : (str) operator (<,<=,>, >=) and capture date
- 'modcount' : (int) number of modifications
- 'datemod' : (str) operator (<,<=,>, >=) and lightroom modification date
- 'iso' : (int) ISO value with operators <,<=,>,>=,= (ex: "iso=>=1600")
- 'focal' : (int) focal lens with operators <,<=,>,>=,= (ex: "iso=>135")
- 'aperture' : (float) aperture lens with operators <,<=,>,>=,= (ex: "aperture=<8")
- 'speed' : (float) speed shutter with operators <,<=,>,>=,= (ex: "speed=>=8")
- 'width' : (int) cropped image width. Need to include column "dims"
- 'height : (int) cropped image height. Need to include column "dims"
- 'aspectratio': (float) aspect ratio (width/height)
- 'hasgps' : (bool) has GPS datas
- 'gps' : (str) GPS rectangle defined by :
- town or coordinates, and bound in kilometer (ex:"paris+20", "45.7578;4.8320+10"),
- 2 towns or coordinates (ex: "grenoble/lyon", "44.84;-0.58/43.63;1.38")
- a geolocalized Lightroom photo name (ex:"photo:NIK_10312")
- 'videos' : (bool) type videos
- 'exifindex' : search words in exif (AgMetadataSearchIndex). Use '&' for AND words '|' for OR. ex: "exifindex=%Lowy%&%blanko%"
- 'vcopies' : 'NULL'|'!NULL'|'<NUM>' : all, none virtual copies or copies for a master image NUM
- 'keyword' : (str) keyword name. Only one keyword can be specified in request
- 'haskeywords': (bool) photos with or without keywords
- 'import' : (int) import id
- 'stacks' : operation on stacks in :
'yes' = photos in a stack
'no' = excludes photos in a stack
'top' = photos at the top of stacks
'no+top' = excludes photos in a stack not at first position
<NUM> = photos in the stack identifier NUM
- 'metastatus' : metadatas status
'conflict' = metadatas different on disk from db
'changedondisk' = metadata changed externally on disk
'hasbeenchanged' = to be save on disk
'conflict' = metadatas different on disk from db
'uptodate' = uptodate, in error, or to write on disk
'unknown' = write error, phot missing ...
- 'idcollection' : (int) collection id
- 'collection' : (str) collection name
- 'pubcollection: (str) publish collection name
- 'pubtime : (str) publish time, operator (<,<=,>, >=)
- 'extfile' : (str) has external file with <value> extension as jpg,xmp... (field AgLibraryFile.sidecarExtensions)
- 'sort' : sql sort string
- 'distinct' : suppress similar lines of results
- sql : return SQL string only
For collection : specify the "columns" to display and the "criteria" of selection in :
columns :
- 'name' : collection name
- 'id' : id collection
- 'type' : collection type
- 'parent' : id of parent collection
- 'smart' : data of smart collection. For a specfic collection use criteria "id4content" or "name4content"
criteria :
- 'name' : (str) collection name
- 'id' : (int) collection id
- 'type' : (str) collection type (creationId) : "standard", "smart", "all", or explicit creationId content (as
- 'id4smart ': (int) id smart collection. To be used with column "smart"
- 'name4smart': (str) name of smart collection. To be used with column "smart"
positional arguments:
columns Columns to display
criteria Criteria of select
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b LRCAT, --lrcat LRCAT
Ligthroom catalog file for database request (default:"I:\Lightroom\La Totale\La Totale.lrcat")
-s, --sql Display SQL request
-c, --count Display count of results
-r, --results Display datas results
-n MAX_LINES, --max_lines MAX_LINES
Max number of results to display
-f FILE, --file FILE UUIDs photos file : replace the criteria parameter which is ignored. All parameters are ignored
-t {photo,collection}, --table {photo,collection}
table to work on : photo or collection
-N, --no_header don't print header (columns names)
--raw_print print raw value (for speed, aperture columns)
Retrieve smart collections stored in catalog, process SQL requests and displays results
Smart files, exported from Lightroom or modified by hand, can be specified too.
Unfortunaly :
- some criteria or operations of criterion are not implemented
- some operations on criteria doesn't same exact results as Lightroom (as: all, touchtime ...)
=> ... TODO improvements !
- all
- aperture
- aspectRatio
- camera
- captureTime
- collection
- colorMode
- creator
- exif
- fileFormat
- filename
- flashFired
- focalLength
- hasAdjustments
- hadsGPSData
- heightCropped
- iptc
- isoSpeedRating
- keywords
- labelColor
- labelText
- lens
- metadata
- metadataStatus
- rating
- shutterSpeed
- touchTime
- treatment
- widthCropped
display short definition for smart collections which name contains "mil" --list --dict "%mil%" Smart Collection "Family smart photos" * Definition as python dictionnary : 0 = {'criteria': 'rating', 'operation': '>=', 'value': 3} 1 = {'criteria': 'keywords', 'operation': 'any', 'value': 'family', 'value2': ''} combine = intersect ....
display smart collection "Holidays no GPS" with specific columns "Holidays no GPS" --sql --max_lines 2 --columns "name, datecapt" Smart Collection "Holidays no GPS" * Definition as python dictionnary : 0 = {'criteria': 'collection', 'operation': 'beginsWith', 'value': 'Ballades', 'value2': ''} 1 = {'criteria': 'hasGPSData', 'operation': '==', 'value': False} combine = intersect * SQL Request: SELECT DISTINCT fi.baseName || "." || fi.extension AS name, i.captureTime AS datecapt FROM Adobe_images i LEFT JOIN AgLibraryFile fi ON i.rootFile = fi.id_local LEFT JOIN AgLibraryCollectionimage ci0 ON ci0.image = i.id_local LEFT JOIN AgLibraryCollection col0 ON col0.id_local = ci0.Collection WHERE LIKE "Holidays%" INTERSECT SELECT fi.baseName || "." || fi.extension AS name, i.captureTime AS datecapt FROM Adobe_images i JOIN AgLibraryFile fi ON i.rootFile = fi.id_local LEFT JOIN AgHarvestedExifMetadata em on i.id_local = em.image WHERE em.hasGps == 0 * Count results: 1880 * Photo results (first 2 photos on 1880) : name | datecapt ============================================= 103-0332_IMG.JPG | 2002-03-07T17:53:03 112-1248.jpg | 2002-04-14T16:57:08
usage: [-h] [-b LRCAT] [-f] [-l] [--raw] [-d] [-s] [-c] [-r]
[-n MAX_LINES] [-C COLUMNS] [-N] [--raw_print] [--log LOG]
[smart_name [smart_name ...]]
Execute smart collections from Lightroom catalog or from a exported file
Supported criteria are : all, aperture, aspectRatio, camera, captureTime,
collection, colorMode, creator, exif, fileFormat, filename, flashFired,
focalLength, hasAdjustments, hasGPSData, heightCropped, iptc, isoSpeedRating,
keywords, labelColor, labelText, lens, metadata, metadataStatus, rating,
shutterSpeed, touchTime, treatment, widthCropped
positional arguments:
smart_name Name of smart(s) collection
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b LRCAT, --lrcat LRCAT
Ligthroom catalog file for database request
(default:"I:\Lightroom\La Totale\La Totale.lrcat")
-f, --file positionnal parameters are files, not smart collection
-l, --list List smart collections of name "smart_name" from
Lightroom catalog. "smart_name" can include jokers
"%". Leave empty for list all collections
--raw Display description of smart collection as stored
-d, --dict Display description of smart collection as python
-s, --sql Display SQL request
-c, --count Display count of results
-r, --results Display datas results
-n MAX_LINES, --max_lines MAX_LINES
Max number of results to display
Columns names to print (default:"uuid,name"). For
column names, see help of
-N, --no_header don't print header (columns names)
--raw_print print raw value (for speed, aperture columns)
--log LOG log on file