[ Perfect result | Best Quality | On-time Delivery ] [ App architecture | Clean code | Product design | Continuous integration | Task prioritization | Automatic deployment | Teamwork | Fast-Learning ]
As a Full-stack web developer, I have 5+ years of rich experience.I have deep knowledge of backend and frontend JavaScript and several kinds of databases as well as great experience with popular frameworks and libraries. As well as a deep Mern stack experience, I also have other back-end technologies of PHP and its Frameworks such as Laravel and CodeIgniter. Since I am a Full-Stack developer, I have high teamwork skills, fast learning skills, time management skills, creativity, and web design skills.
- 5+ years of rich experience in React/Vue/Next/Nuxt.
- Deep Knowledge of Node.js/PHP.
- Expertise in responsible UI Frameworks such as AntDesign, Material-ui and so on.
- Bset API design, deveopement and integration using Node.js/Express.js/Nest.js/Laravel/CodeIgniter.
- Expertise in Database Systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Couch and MongoDB
- Strong Experience in Mobile Development: iOS/Android, Flutter, React-native, Swift.
- API Integrations like Paypal, Stripe.js.
- High performance using SSR, code optimization.
- High teamwork and time management skills.