AIR Native Extension allow you to use system ui. (For now, only support use and custom system cursor in Mac OS (10.8 or higher)).
Add NativeUIExt.ane
as a dependency to your project.
NativeMouse.registerCursor('custom-cursor',image1,image2,new Point(16,16));
NativeMouse.cursor = 'custom-cursor';
NativeMouse.cursor = NativeMouseCursor.CLOSED_HAND_CURSOR;
Support below cursors:
* default
public static const DEFAULT_CURSOR:String = "default";
* The arrow cursor. (mac)
public static const ARROW_CURSOR:String = "arror";
* The I-beam cursor for indicating insertion points. (mac)
public static const IBEAM_CURSOR:String = "IBeam";
* The pointing-hand cursor. (mac)
public static const POINTING_HAND_CURSOR:String = "pointingHand";
* The closed-hand cursor. (mac)
public static const CLOSED_HAND_CURSOR:String = "closedHand";
* The open-hand cursor. (mac)
public static const OPEN_HAND_CURSOR:String = "openHand";
* The resize-left cursor. (mac)
public static const RESIZE_LEFT_CURSOR:String = "resizeLeft";
* The resize-right cursor. (mac)
public static const RESIZE_RIGHT_CURSOR:String = "resizeRight";
* The resize-left-and-right cursor. (mac)
public static const RESIZE_LEFT_RIGHT_CURSOR:String = "resizeLeftRight";
* The resize-up cursor. (mac)
public static const RESIZE_UP_CURSOR:String = "resizeUp";
* The resize-down cursor. (mac)
public static const RESIZE_DOWN_CURSOR:String = "resizeDown";
* The resize-up-and-down cursor. (mac)
public static const RESIZE_UP_DOWN_CURSOR:String = "resizeUpDown";
* The cross-hair cursor. (mac)
public static const CROSSHAIR_CURSOR:String = "crosshair";
* The disappearing item cursor. (mac)
public static const DISAPPEARING_ITEM_CURSOR:String = "disappearingItem";
* The not allowed cursor. (mac 10.5)
public static const OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED_CURSOR:String = "operationNotAllowed"; //10_5;
* The drag link cursor. (mac 10.6)
public static const DRAG_LINK_CURSOR:String = "dragLink"; //10_6;
* The drag copy cursor. (mac 10.6)
public static const DRAG_COPY_CURSOR:String = "dragCopy"; //10_6;
* The contextual menu cursor. (mac 10.6)
public static const CONTEXTUAL_MENU_CURSOR:String = "contextualMenu"; //10_6;
* The I-Beam text cursor for vertical layout. (mac 10.7)
public static const IBEAM_CURSOR_FOR_VERTICAL_LAYOUT_CURSOR:String = "IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout"; //10_7;
- Custom NativeWindow (fullscreen, etc.)
- Windows Support.