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Whatsapp Cloud API Wrapper for Golang


Lightweight Whatsapp Cloud API Wrapper v14.0 for Golang with no dependency.

Made this cause I haven't found any reliable whatsapp cloud api wrapper for golang



go get

or if you want to use specific version

go get


Create an instance of the Whatsapp Cloud API Client

wa := whatsapp.NewWhatsapp(token, myPhoneID)

Modifying instance

  • Changing the language wa.Language = TemplateLanguage{ Code: "id" }
  • Changing the API version wa.APIVersion = "v14.0"
  • Changing the Whatsapp Phone ID wa.PhoneNumberID = WHATSAPP_PHONE_ID

Send a templated message

With one parameter

parameters := wa.GenerateTemplateParameters("text", "48884")
components := wa.TemplateComponent("body", parameters)
res, err := wa.SendWithTemplate("RECEIVER_PHONE_NUMBER", "your_template_name", components)

with no parameter

res, err := wa.SendWithTemplate("RECEIVER_PHONE_NUMBER", "your_template_name", nil)

Send a plain text message

Sending plain text message to a phone number that has messaged your WhatsApp Business account in the past 24 hours.

res, err := wa.SendText("RECEIVER_PHONE_NUMBER", "your_message")

Check more usage example in example/example.go

Getting the Whatsapp Cloud API Access

Official documentation:


Tutorial for Myself!

Releasing new version

$ git commit -m "hello: changes for v1.0.0"
$ git tag v1.0.0
$ git push origin v1.0.0