Application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. Registered users have the ability to post, edit and delete items and categories.
The application also provides a JSON API for getting all the categories, obtaining the items in a particular category and getting tbe information about a specific item.
This is a RESTful web application that uses Python framework Flask, SQLite and Google OAuth authentication.
To run this application, the following resources are needed:
You can download the Vagrantfile to configure the virtual machine here
This file will set up and run the project in an environment with the following requirements:
- Python 2.7.12
- SQLite
Once you have installed Vagrant and Virtualbox, run the Vagrantfile to configure the environment. Then, run vagrant up
to start the virtual machine and vagrant ssh
to connect to it.
Clone this repository to the vagrant virtual machine. Finally, within the cloned folder, type the following in the command line to run the application in your localhost: