The i3-status-reporter-html uses electron to display additional information from modules.
cd ~/my-i3-status # go to the directory you installed i3-status in
npm install --save i3-status-reporter-html
The window shown by the reporter should be a popup/floating window. Therefore you will need to add this to your i3 config:
for_window [class="i3-status-reporter"] floating enable,focus mode_toggle
module: i3-status-reporter-html
timeout: 2
barHeight: 28
top: true
margin: 0
height: 200
width: 600
family: Source Code Pro
size: 13
normalText: '#555555'
normalBackground: '#272824'
highlightText: '#e80088'
highlightBackground: '#171814'
If you define a timeout value (in seconds) the reporter window will be closed automatically if you do not enter it with your mouse.
Defines the height of your i3 bar in pixels. The popup window will appear below/underneath your i3 bar, dependend on the location.
The popup window is located at the bottom by default. If you have your i3 bar on the top of the screen define top:true.
Define a margin in pixels between your i3 bar and the reporter popup window.
Define the height and width of the popup window. Defaults to a height of 200 and a width of 600.
Define the font used to display text inside the popup window. Use the family
attribute to define the font and the size
to define the size of the text.
Define the default colors of the output. The module may override theese colors.