A Django utility to hide the primary key of a given model.
Proxyid turns https://myapp.com/model/1
into https://myapp.com/model/5NxJD1dG6V
Proxyid makes use of the hashids library to mask your integer or uuid based primary keys with a facade, proxy, mask. It's plug'n play, therefore, it doesn't interfere with the database or model definitions.
Type | Primary Key | Exposed Proxied PK |
Integer | 3 | 5NxJD1dG6VB3ZR3eKyzYEWrba |
UUID | 82df2e8e-553b-4330-bd46-8299ec67a9bb | 7ljjRD1qVLfjkQepdRZAimyDDZZ2 |
Please, check the following demo
Assuming a Django project is already set with an app called appmock, proxyid can be installed with pip.
$ pip install proxyid
The configuration is set as a constant PROXYID
in settings.py
"hashids": {
"salt": "A grain of salt", # this is your salt
"min_length": 15 # this is the minimum length of the proxied id
Let's say the project has an Author model
# djangoproject/appmock/models.py
from django.db import models
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
nationality = models.CharField()
def __str__(self):
return self.name
Now take a look at our urls.py
# djangoproject/appmock/urls.py
from django.urls import path
from appmock import views
urlpatterns = [
# ...other path configuration
# ...other path configuration
# ...other path configuration
path("author/<pk>/", views.author_detail, name="author-detail")
If the app is exposing the database's primary key, the Author resource would be found, for example, at http://myapp.com/author/1
Let's hide our primary key. by importing the proxify
decorator and defining a property method.
# djangoproject/appmock/models.py
from django.db import models
from proxyid.decorators import proxify
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
nationality = models.CharField()
def id_(self): pass
def __str__(self):
return self.name
That's it, now our model instance will have the id_
property with it's unique primary key encoded by proxyid by using the hashids library. All we need is a method which doesn't return anything and the decorators @property
and @proxify
. You can name this property method whatever you want(except pk or id), let's name it id_
for this example.
Let's check it by retrieving a model in a django shell session
$ python manage.py shell
Python 3.9.2 (default, Mar 21 2021, 20:35:03)
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from appmock import models
>>> author = models.Author.object.create(name="Lima Barreto", nationality="Brazil")
>>> author.id
>>> author.id_
Now, how about retrieving our object from the database if our user is giving us the encoded(RvBykxK6qojOJnOMrQeGpALDW
) primary key?
Let's go to our hypothetical author_detail
view function in views.py
# djangoprojects/appmock/views.py
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse
from appmock.models import Author
from proxyid.encoding import decode
# ...other code
def author_detail(request, pk):
decoded_pk = decode(pk) # this will bring RvBykxK6qojOJnOMrQeGpALDW back to 1
author = Author.objects.get(pk=decoded_pk)
context = {"author" : author}
return render(request, "appmock/author_detail.html", context)
We imported decode
from proxyid.encoding
, the decode
function will transform our proxied value back to it's original primary key value, allowing us to retrieve our object by giving the pk value to the ORM.
How the urls were generated? By just passing the object id_
instead of pk
property or whatever name you have it to the url function. Like this:
<!-- some html -->
{% url 'author-detail' author.id_ %}
Now our author resource can be found at http:myapp.com/author/RvBykxK6qojOJnOMrQeGpALDW
Let's build the same logic of author_detail
function view as a class based view now:
# djangoproject/appmock/views.py
from django.views import generic
from appmock.models import Author
from proxyid.mixins import ProxyidMixin
class AuthorDetailView(ProxyidMixin, generic.DetailView):
template_name = "appmock/author_detail.html"
model = Author
context_object_name = "author"
That's it, the view will work the same way as long as you use the ProxyidMixin
as a parent class, and don't forget to provide a pk
argument(this can be customized) from the url dispatcher.
Uma ferramenta baseado em Django para esconder a chave primária de um dado modelo.
Proxyid transforma https://meuapp.com/modelo/1
em https://meuapp.com/modelo/5NxJD1dG6V
Proxyid utiliza a biblioteca hashids para codificar chaves primárias (int ou uuid). Como solução plug'n play, não interfere com a camada de banco de dados ou definição de modelos.
Tipo | Chave Primária | Chave Exposta pelo Proxyid |
Integer | 3 | 5NxJD1dG6VB3ZR3eKyzYEWrba |
UUID | 82df2e8e-553b-4330-bd46-8299ec67a9bb | 7ljjRD1qVLfjkQepdRZAimyDDZZ2 |
Por favor, cheque a seguinte demo
Considerando que um projeto Django já esteja configurado com um app chamado appmock, proxyid poder ser instalado via pip
$ pip install proxyid
A configuração é aplicada em uma constante PROXYID
no arquivo settings.py
"hashids": {
"salt": "Uma pitada de sal", # esse é o sal
"min_length": 15 # esse é o tamanho mínimo das ids geradas
Digamos que o projeto possua um modelo Author
# djangoproject/appmock/models.py
from django.db import models
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
nationality = models.CharField()
def __str__(self):
return self.name
Agora, vejamos nosso urls.py
# djangoproject/appmock/urls.py
from django.urls import path
from appmock import views
urlpatterns = [
# ...outras configurações path
# ...outras configurações path
# ...outras configurações path
path("author/<pk>/", views.author_detail, name="author-detail")
Caso o app esteja expondo a chave primária do banco de ados, o modelo Author seria encontrado, por exemplo, em http://meusite.com/autor/1
. Vamos esconder nossa chave primária, importando o decorator proxify
e definindo um método propriedade.
# djangoproject/appmock/models.py
from django.db import models
from proxyid.decorators import proxify
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
nationality = models.CharField()
def id_(self): pass
def __str__(self):
return self.name
Pronto, agora as instâncias de nosso modelo terão a propriedade id_
com sua chave primária única codificada pelo proxyid, utilizando a biblioteca hashids. Tudo que precisamos foi de um método que retorna nada, e os decoradores @property
e @proxify
. Você pode nomear esse método como preferir (com exceção para pk ou id), o chamaremos de id_
para este exemplo.
Vamos testar nosso modelo iniciando uma sesssão shell no Django.
$ python manage.py shell
Python 3.9.2 (default, Mar 21 2021, 20:35:03)
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from appmock import models
>>> author = models.Author.object.create(name="Lima Barreto", nationality="Brazil")
>>> author.id
>>> author.id_
Agora, como buscar objects em nosso banco de dados, se nosso usuário estará acessando uma url com a chave primário codificada(RvBykxK6qojOJnOMrQeGpALDW
)? Vamos para nossa hipotética função view chamada author_detail
localizada em views.py
# djangoprojects/appmock/views.py
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse
from appmock.models import Author
from proxyid.encoding import decode
# ...other code
def author_detail(request, pk):
decoded_pk = decode(pk) # isso trará RvBykxK6qojOJnOMrQeGpALDW devolta para 1
author = Author.objects.get(pk=decoded_pk)
context = {"author" : author}
return render(request, "appmock/author_detail.html", context)
Importamos a função decode
de proxyid.encoding
, a função decode
transformará nosso valor codificado devolta para seu valor de chave primária original . permitindo que busquemos nosso objeto com a chave primária original.
Como as urls foram geradas? Simplesmente passando o atributo id_
da instância do objeto Author ou seja lá qual for o nome da propriedade do seu modelo como argumento para a função url:
<!-- some html -->
{% url 'author-detail' author.id_ %}
Agora nosso autor pode ser encontrado em http:myapp.com/author/RvBykxK6qojOJnOMrQeGpALDW
Vmoas construir uma view com a mesma lógica daquela função author_detail
, mas agora com views baseadas em classe:
# djangoproject/appmock/views.py
from django.views import generic
from appmock.models import Author
from proxyid.mixins import ProxyidMixin
class AuthorDetailView(ProxyidMixin, generic.DetailView):
template_name = "appmock/author_detail.html"
model = Author
context_object_name = "author"
Pronto, essa view funcionará da mesma maneira, desde que herde de ProxyidMixin e a sua url providencie um argumento nomeado como pk