1.) In exec.sh
define paths
2.) and set the hyperparameters
3.) Run via
bash exec.sh
1.) In your home directory on the server, create a folder base_images/
, containing the file pytorch15.def
<<<<<<<<<<<< pytorch15.def >>>>>>>>>>>
Bootstrap: docker
From: pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-runtime
export "PATH=/opt/conda/bin:$PATH"
conda install matplotlib
conda install numpy
conda install scipy
conda install tqdm
<<<<<<<<<<<< pytorch15.def >>>>>>>>>>>
2.) Run
singularity build --force --fakeroot pytorch15.sif pytorch15.def
3.) Create a folder in_ram_data/
where you save your data sets (CIFAR, MNIST, ..)
4.) Change email address:
#SBATCH --mail-user=your.mail@hhi.fraunhofer.de
5.) Run via
sbatch exec.sh
6.) You can check if everything is working
watch tail -n 100 out/<SLURM_JOB_ID>.out
: Choose from["mnist", "cifar10"]
: Choose from["stl10"]
: Choose from["mobilenetv2", "lenet_mnist", "lenet_cifar", "vgg11", "vgg11s"]
: Number of Clients"classes_per_client"
: Number of different Classes every Client holds in it's local data, 0 returns an iid split"participation_rate"
: Fraction of Clients which participate in every Communication Round"batch_size"
: Batch-size used by the Clients"balancedness"
: Default 1.0, if <1.0 data will be more concentrated on some clients"communication_rounds"
: Total number of communication rounds"local_epochs"
: Local training epochs at every client"distill_epochs"
: Number of epochs used for distillation"n_distill"
: Size of the distilation dataset"distill_mode"
: The distillation mode, chosse from ("regular", "pate", "pate_up", ..)"aggregation_mode"
: Choose from "FA" (Federated Averaging), "FD" (Federated Distillation), "FAD" (FA + FD)"pretrained"
: Load a pretrained model from the /checkpoints directory according to the distillation data that is used, e.g. {"stl10" : "simclr_net_bn_stl10_80epochs.pth"}
: Number of communication rounds after which results are logged and saved to disk"log_path"
: e.g. "results/experiment1/"
Run multiple experiments by listing different configurations, e.g.
`"n_clients" : [10, 20, 50]`.
In federated_learning.py
, calling
will save experiment results under given keys. Every experiment produces a summary which is stored in the directory specified in "log_path"
. You can import all experiments stored in a certain directory via
import experiment_manager as xpm
list_of_experiments = xpm.get_list_of_experiments(path)
contains Experiment
objects with the hyperparameters and the results
of the respective experiments.