This is the repo for documenting our robot build of the 2022 LYRC.
- Noé Guerien
- Kim Bourg
- Avanti Sharma
- Félix Gasiaux
The entire robot is built in Level 2 in Bonnevoie. This Team is formed from members of the CodeClub association in Luxembourg and mentored by Thierry Goniva, Jean-Phillipe Guisset and Miguel Collados.
The kit consists of the following components:
- Makeblock Ultimate 2.0 kit
- Makeblock smartcam (Pixie)
- Makeblock color sensor
- up to 150g of passive enhancement(s)
- Makeblock MeRGB LED
To use our Code you first need to clone our Repository :
git clone
Then you will need to include the libraries into your arduino IDE :
Under Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library
Then select the Library you just downloaded within the repository
Next you need to make sure that you have selected the right Board & Port :
Go to Tools > Board: ... and select Arduino Mega or Mega 2560
Go to Tools > Port and select your Port
Connect the Sensors to the correct Ports on the MegaPi
Now open the .ino File from our Firmware, upload the code and have fun!