Thanks for checking out packageless! Keep reading for some information about packageless.
packageless is a package manager, but not your traditional package manager. packageless doesn't install traditional packages, but rather package images or pims. Pims are container images that contain a package and set it as the entrypoint for when the container is ran. When you install a "package" (pim) with packageless you are actually just pulling a container image down from a container registry. packageless handles the creation of the volumes necessary for the container to run appropriately. packageless can even set aliases for you, that way you can use the "packages" (pims) you install the same as you would after installing the package with another package manager.
The currently available pims can be found at packageless-pims
packageless solves a few problems:
- You can now install any package on any OS, as long as the OS can run containers
- Packages are run in an isolated environment
- Makes it easy to install and run multiple different versions of a package
packageless is still in the very early stages of development and functionality is likely to change drastically
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