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Codes learn from Udacity Course (Natural Language Processing)

Project 1 - POS Tagger

Part of Speech Tagger using Hidden Markov Model. pomegranate is used for build a model. Simple HMM model with add-one Laplace Smoothing is applied

Project 1 (Optional) - IBM Bookworm

By using IBM Watson's Cloud-based NLP services, build a simple QA model. QA model with assistant workspace. By sending a query to system, simple matched answer can be returned.

Project 2 - Machine Translator

Implement various RNN mdoels with keras to make machine traslator (Eng->Fr)

  • Understand how to construct RNN model using keras
  • 4 versions are available
    1. simple RNN (GRU) model which uses word number itself as input
    2. RNN model with embedding layer
    3. Bidiretional RNN model
    4. Encoder-Decoder model
    5. (final) Encoder-Decoder model with Embedding layer

Exercise 1 - LDA topic Modeling

  • Understand Latent Dirichlet Allocation
  • Build LDA model with BOW and TFIDF
  • Topic classification

Exercise 2 - Sentimental Analysis

  • Can draw WordCloud with IMDB image
  1. classic ML classification models
  • Make textdata into vector
  • Sentimental analysis with GradientBoostingClassifier, GaussianNB
  1. RNN classification model
  • use LSTM to build sentimental anaylsis model
  1. NN classification model
  • Implement NN model from the base
  • Parameter adjusting is contained

Exercise 3 - Keras

  • Can build NN models using Keras
    • MLP, RNN (LSTM)

Exercise 4 - Attension Basics

  • Reproduce and visualize a process of how attention is applied on single cell

Exercise 5 - Deciphering Code with character level RNNs

  • using many-to-many GRU cell to build code deciphering model
  • Basic generation model to translate code to plain text


Codes learn from Udacity_Natural_Language_Processing






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