Module to add a series of tweaks/modifications to the SilverStripe CMS. The goal is to make the CMS slightly less confusing for non-admin administration.
##Modifications (css/JavaScript) include:
- Move MetaDescription and ExtraMeta to it's own "Advanced" tab
- Always have the Advanced tab on the right (floated after all other tabs)
- JavaScript word/character count for MetaDescription
- Clean MetaDescription for any new lines and double-spaces upon save
- Dependent pages (if any) on Advanced tab
- Hide add/delete page buttons when user has no SITETREE_REORGANISE permissions
- Hide CMS ErrorPages to non-admin users in CMS as well as file/link selectors
- Remove SiteTree drag handle for when user has no SITETREE_REORGANISE permissions
- Prevent accidental form submission in CMS when enter is used
- Add "Remove formatting" button to TinyMCE to clean code
- Add some invalid elements to TinyMCE
- Optinal "noenter" class can be added to TextFields to prevent new lines (eg: MetaDescription)
- Link logo in CMS to webiste homepage rather than
- Remove "Help" link
- SilverStripe 3.1