This repo will contain all exercises, summaries and personal notes used/created in preparation for the strongloop certification exam in 2016.
Exam Node Version: v4.4.4 LTS
Main Study Areas:
- Node fundamental innerWorks
- Using Express Module to create APIs
- High Performance API Development
- Debugging
- Strongloop certification study guide
- NodeJS 4.x API Docs
- ES6 Standards
- Video Study Collection
- Node For Begginers Study Collection
- Certification Practical Exercise Workouts
- Risingstack Node Structure Tutorial
- ISBN 9781617290930, Node.js in Practice
- ISBN 9781617292576, Node.js in Action, Second Edition
- ISBN 9781119962595, Smashing Node.js: JavaScript Everywhere
This is the link to the Strongloop certification study guide. Offers a basic overview of what will be expected and has links to pages of interest.
Summaries and notes made from the general contents of this particular link can be found in the folder 'Step 1'. Link to documents found here.
These will only cover the basic concepts required to get a base understanding of what node is and what makes it ... well ... NODE!!!
In later steps (and individual folders) we will cover Express, Debugging, Clusters, ...
At this point we have a basic understanding of node and are ready to dive into some hands on work. No place seems better to do this than 'The Node School'. In the Step 2 folder you will find the main tutorial course solutions, both mine and the official ones.
The Strongloop study guide makes a brief comment on what should be studied about the Process Global:
The process object is a global object and can be accessed from anywhere. For the purposes of the exam you should understand signal events, accessing environmental variables and dealing with child processes.
-- Strongloop Certification Team
Brief but concise. We will go through some of the main Events, Signals, objects and methods available to the process
variable and checkout child processes. Step 3 folder contains summaries, links, examples, ...
Up until now we've gone through the node basics, fooled around with it in and taken a deeper look into the process global variable. Now, lets get down to some business with: 'Smashing Node.js: Javascript Everywhere'.
Reading the book we go through a general introduction to the javascript basics required for a good understanding of the book examples, node basics and standards and plenty of exercises. In the Step 4 folder you can find a few summaries as well as working examples that the book walks you through. Definitely worth buying! (invest in good writing)
High level sytyle guide in Javascript: always open to discussion but definitely makes good points
ES6 Availability per Node Version: keeping up
This collection of study summaries and problem solutions has been completely put together by a node student during the Node Certification preparation process. Follow and use at your own risk. Please report any bugs, wrong concept definitions or ... other issues found: