The spin cloud-gpu
plugin allows you to use GPUs on Fermyon Cloud while running your Spin app locally with spin up
Ever tested your AI-powered Spin app locally and spent quite a while waiting for your machine's compute to kick in...? Us too! That's why we built this plugin. Now with a few simple steps, you can use Fermyon Serverless AI GPUs to run inferencing and embedding requests for locally running Spin applications. Optionally, once local testing is complete and you're ready to run your application at scale, you can deploy to Fermyon Cloud with the standard spin cloud deploy
The spin cloud-gpu
plugin, will be deploying a Spin application to Fermyon Cloud on your behalf that will serve as a proxy to access GPUs for your local Spin application. With the spin cloud-gpu init
command, you'll implicitly deploy a Fermyon Cloud Spin application that will act as a proxy to access Fermyon Cloud GPUs from your local SPin application. You can always delete the proxy either via Fermyon Cloud UI or via spin cloud-gpu destroy
. Read on to learn more about the prerequisites and the specific commands.
- You'll need a Fermyon Cloud account if you don't have one already! Don't worry, this feature is available on our Developer Plan (free of charge).
- Because you're accessing Fermyon Cloud's Serverless AI, you'll need to be enrolled in private beta. You can request access to the private beta with this form.
- A local directory with a Spin application you'd like to connect to Fermyon Serverless AI. If you don't have one, you can create one via
spin new
Note that use of the
feature will count against your Fermyon Cloud quotas, specifically your Spin app count quota as well as your inferencing request quota.
The following command can be used to install the plugin:
spin plugins install -u -y
To build the plugin locally and install it which can be useful for local development, use the following command:
./ && spin plugins install -f cloud-gpu.json -y
spin cloud-gpu init
- deploy the fermyon-cloud-gpu Spin app to act as a cloud GPU proxy and generates a runtime-config. The runtime-config needs to be copied into a file.
Note that you must have this section added to your
type = "remote_http"
url = "https://fermyon-cloud-gpu-<AUTO_GENERATED_STRING>"
auth_token = "<AUTO_GENERATED_TOKEN>"
Once you're ready to run your application locally with spin up
, make sure to pass the following arugment: --runtime-config-file <path/to/runtime/config>
spin cloud-gpu destroy
- deletes the fermyon-cloud-gpu Spin application
spin cloud-gpu 0.1.0 (869ce65 2023-09-11)
spin cloud-gpu <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
destroy Destroy the fermyon-cloud-gpu Spin app
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
init Deploy the fermyon-cloud-gpu Spin app to act as a cloud GPU proxy