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Module: Landing Page Creator (landing_page_creator)


A Drupal module to create landing pages associated with DOIs requests. The workflow is the following:

  • the form page is available at "yoursite/landing-page-creator/form"
  • upload an xml file with mmd specifications
  • the mmd fields are translated into Datacite metadata format using which is included in the module under the includes directory
  • metadata file is sent to Datacite using drupal_http_request
  • DOI is returned and extracted
  • Landing page (a drupal node of type "landing_page") is created using DOI as the landing page url alias
  • URL of the landing page is registered to Datacite using drupal_http_request


To configure the permissions for this module, i.e. who can access the "landing-page-creator/form" page go to: "People->Permissions" and activate the "Access content for the Landing Page module" for the role of interest.


This module requires installation and/or configuration of external services as well as the creation of a specific content type . More specifically:

  • A DataCite account must be activated. The username, password, account prefix and enviroment (test/operational) must be configured in the administration page. The module validates if the fields in the configuration interface have been filled. The request will connect to: depending on the evironment selected (test in the first case, operational in the second case). Accordingly the account information filled must metch the test or operational accounts.
  • The xsltproc tool should be installed (apt install xsltproc) to perform the on-the-fly translation between metadata standards.
  • A Landing Page content type must be set up in the portal that is using this module. See below for the configuration of this content type.

Configuration of the Landing Page content type

Content type

A content type (CT) must be set up in the Drupal site.

  • the manchine name of the CT: landing_page

  • the fields of the content type must be as follow:

Machine name type widget
body Long text and summary Text area with a summary
field_abstract Long text and summary Text area with a summary
field_iso_topic_category List (text) Select list
field_doi Link Link
field_citation Long text Text area (multiple rows)
field_license List (text) Select list
field_contact Long text Text area (multiple rows)
field_north Float Text field
field_south Float Text field
field_east Float Text field
field_west Float Text field
field_access Long text Text area (multiple rows)
field_bnds Geofield Bounds
field_start_date Date (ISO format) Pop-up calendar
field_end_date Date (ISO format) Pop-up calendar

Select list: vocabularies

Iso Topic Category
  • machine name: field_iso_topic_category
  • number of values: unlimited
key values
farming farming
biota biota
boundaries boundaries
climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
economy economy
elevation elevation
environment environment
geoscientificInformation geoscientificInformation
health health
imageryBaseMapsEarthCover imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
intelligenceMilitary intelligenceMilitary
inlandWaters inlandWaters
location location
oceans oceans
planningCadastre planningCadastre
society society
structure structure
transportation transportation
utilitiesCommunication utilitiesCommunication
  • machine name: field_license
  • number of values: 1
key values
C0 CC0