Current branch:
- ''
- ''
- ''
- '','','', '5.12.1'
- '5.10.1', '5.10.3', '5.12.1'
For previous versions or newest releases see other branches.
Dockerfiles to build Bamboo
- Latest: Upgrade to 6.7.1 - java 1926.5.0.1
- Upgrade to
- Upgrade to 6.1.0 and java 1445.12.5.2
- FIX Java installation5.12.5.1
- Upgrade to
- Java update to 8 - 1215.12.1
Pull the image from docker hub.
docker pull ffquintella/docker-bamboo
Alternately you can build the image locally.
git clone
cd docker-bamboo
Not written yet
This image doesn't use data volumes by default but you should configure /opt/bamboo-home to point to a data volume or to point to a folder in the local disk
No special users
Next ports are exposed
- Bamboo default web interface54663/tcp
- Bamboo broker
We use puppet as the default entry point to manage the environment
Bamboo is launched in background. Which means that is possible to restart bamboo without restarting the container.
It is recommended to specify hostname
for this image, so if you will recreate bamboo instance you will keep the same hostname.
Some basic configurations are allowed to configure the system and make it easier to change at docker command line
- FACTER_BAMBOO_VERSION "" - Bamboo version to be installed
- FACTER_BAMBOO_INSTALLDIR "/opt/bamboo" - Bamboo install dir
- FACTER_BAMBOO_HOME "/opt/bamboo-home" - Bamboo home
- FACTER_BAMBOO_DOWNLOAD_URL "" - Url used to download bamboo in container creation
- JAVA_HOME "/opt/java_home" - Java home (we use oracle jdk 1.8.11)
- FACTER_BAMBOO_PROXY "false" - If bamboo is behind a proxy
- FACTER_JAVA_HOME $JAVA_HOME - Just to be acessible in puppet
- FACTER_PRE_RUN_CMD "" - Command to be executed just before starting bamboo
- FACTER_EXTRA_PACKS "" - Packages to be installed at runtime (must be centos7 packages on the defaul repos or epel)
Basically stop your running container;
Docker pull latest version
Start a new instance with the new image (backup your data dir)
My thanks to the following
- Every one who worked building docker
- Github for the dvcs support
- Puppet guys for the great tool
- Josh Beard for the great puppet module witch made this image so easier to create