The software responsible for controlling the creation of Jobs, and notifying the rest of the software about job completion.
Expects the following environment variables to be set when running:
- "QUEUE_HOST": ip to the message broker
- "QUEUE_USER": The username for the message broker
- "QUEUE_PASSWORD": The password for the message broker
- "FIA_IP": ip to the FIA-API
- "DB_IP": ip for database
- "DB_USERNAME": Username for database
- "DB_PASSWORD": Password for database
- "REDUCE_USER_ID": The ID for used for when interacting with CEPH
- "RUNNER_SHA": The SHA256 of the runner container on the github container registry, that will be used for completing jobs on the cluster
- "KUBECONFIG": (Optional) Path to the kubeconfig file
When a job is created it will have a volume mounted to /output
that will be the correct folder for ceph to output to.
To run:
pip install .
To install when developing:
pip install .[dev]
To demo and test. The easiest way to test JobController is running and functioning correctly, it requires a kubernetes cluster to interact with, and a rabbitmq instance with a queue to listen to:
- Follow these instructions to create the cluster
- Create the message broker, this is presently RabbitMQ
- Using the producer send one of the messages in the example messages section below.
- The JobController should make a job and the job will make pods that will perform the work for the run
The containers are stored in the container registry for the organisation on github.
Build container:
docker build . -f ./container/jobcontroller.D -t
- Run container (replace contents of < > with relevant details):
docker run -it --rm --mount source=/ceph/<instrument>/RBNumbers/RB<experiment number>,target=/output --name jobcontroller
- To push containers you will need to setup the correct access for it, you can follow this guide.
- Publish container:
docker push -a
To run the tests:
pytest .
"experiment_title":"A great experiment title",
"run_start":"2024-05-28 13:12:41.000000",
"run_end":"2024-05-28 13:12:55.000000",
"users":"users names",
"additional_values":{"input_runs": [30019, 30018], "cycle_string": "cycle_24_1"}