The file describing how the script works.
*The data obtained from:
the data for the project:
- import library data.table
- the files are stored in directory named Dataset. Get X_train,y_train,subject_train from directory ./Dataset/train, and then get test data respectively.
- use rbind to merge the training and the test sets, and create one data set.
- read features from "./Dataset/features.txt"
- use setnames from data.table to set names of the dataset X_all
- use grep to get columns which names contain "mean" and "std"
- extract these columns and saved in X_all1
- read descriptive activity names from "./Dataset/activity_labels.txt", and use it to change y_all, and saved as y_all1.
- get the tidydata needed, and change their names appropirately.
- save tidydata to tidydata.txt
- use aggregate to get a new tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject, name it tidymean
- save tidymean to tidymean.txt