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Andrew Powers edited this page Apr 12, 2020 · 1 revision


  • Purpose Educate Factor users on how to create websites and apps. Then provide additional resources and education for advanced users.
  • Deliverables Build a comprehensive and advanced documentation portal by May 1.
  • Requirements Needs to be approachable and cannot be overly technical. Also there needs be a focus on types of resources that get users to their goal as fast as possible.
  • Audience Web professionals who want to ship apps and websites quickly but have deadlines which prevents them from doing everything themselves.
  • Assumptions Code examples are a powerful way to demonstrate functionality quickly.
  • Constraints Must write everything in a two week timeframe.


  • Introduction

    • Overview
    • Problem solved
    • Comparison Table
    • Backstory
  • Core Concepts

    • Concepts
      • Extension Oriented
        • Opinionated vs Unopinionated
      • Portability
        • 12 Factor Apps
      • Code First
      • Single Language
      • Dynamic vs Static
    • Architecture
    • Technology Choices
    • Data Structure
    • Hosting and Deployment
  • Building Apps

    • Install and Setup
      • Adding to package.json
      • create-factor-app
      • Configuring services (email, storage, auth, database)
    • Upgrading
    • App Design
    • App File Structure
    • Running Factor (CLI)
      • Commands
      • Options
    • Installing Plugins and Themes
    • Customizing Extensions
      • settings
        • overriding components
      • styles
        • css variables
    • Using Main Files
      • Function of Main Files
      • Server vs App
      • Loading API
    • TypeScript vs JavaScript
      • Advantages of TypeScript
      • Interchangeability
      • tsconfig, shim
      • using typescript
    • Meta tags and info
      • Vue Meta
    • Creating Pages
    • Writing and Using Posts
    • Data and Store
    • Custom Routes and Components
    • URLs and Links
    • Static Assets
    • Going to Production
      • hosting
      • deployment
      • flow
  • Advanced & Extension Development

    • Plugin API - Filters, Callbacks and Events
      • Filters
        • applyFilters
        • addFilter
        • pushToFilter
      • Callbacks
        • addCallback
        • runCallbacks
      • Events
        • addEvent
        • onEvent
    • Custom Post Types
      • Defining a post type
      • Mongoose Data Schemas
      • Custom post settings
    • Working with Posts
      • Getting post indexes
    • Custom Queries
      • Getting a post type model
      • Running custom queries
    • Data Fetching and SSR
      • Hydration
    • Endpoints and Middleware
      • What's the difference?
      • Creating an endpoint
      • Creating middleware
    • Extending Webpack
      • Adding webpack plugins
    • Extend the CLI
      • Adding Custom Commands
    • Extending the Dashboard
      • Adding Menu Items
      • Adding Dashboard Pages
    • Theme Development
      • Setting Up
      • Creating a Demo
      • Code Standards
    • Writing a Plugin
      • Setting up
      • Basic Approach
      • Making Things Customizeable
      • Code Standards
    • Transactional Email
      • Sending Email
    • Custom Page Templates
      • Register a page template
      • Page template settings
    • Embedded / Nested Documents
      • Use Case
      • Adding Embedded Documents
    • Security
      • Bearer
      • Schema permissions
    • Performance and Scalability
      • Cacheability
    • Tips & Tricks
  • API Reference

    • Filters, Events and Callbacks
    • Functions and Utilities
    • UI Library
  • Examples and Screencasts

    • Factor HackerNews - Hacker news clone built with Factor. Built to demonstrate framework functionality, no dashboard or other data features are added. Uses Firebase driven hacker news API.
  • Resources

    • Logo
    • Contributing
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