This is the zabbix module
It uses to talk to the JSONRpc API presented by Zabbix, but I am going to change that soon.
It is currently only partially featured - it will install a zabbix server on EL, create hosts and hostgroups.
The Zabbix API is, I apologise for this, not awesome.
The base class will install a zabbix server, using either MySQL or Postgresql as the backend
Example usage for MySQL:
node 'zabbixmysql' inherits default {
class { 'zabbix': server => true, managedb => true, dbserver => 'mysql' }
Zabbix_host <<| |>>
Example usage for Postgres:
node 'zabbixpg' inherits default {
class { 'zabbix': server => true, managedb => true, dbserver => 'postgresql' }
Zabbix_host <<| |>>
node default {
# Export a host definition, to be imported by the zabbix server
@@zabbix_host { $::fqdn:
ensure => 'present',
groups => ['Linux servers','foogroup'],
interfaces => [ { type => 1, main => 1, ip => $::ipaddress, dns => $::fqdn, port => 10050, useip => 1 } ],
Apache 2.