mobile advertisement server in PHP
mAdserve Open Source Mobile Ad Server - Version 2.0
System Requirements:
PHP Version 5.3 or above with MySQL support. PHP SimpleXML Extension PHP cURL Extension OR fsocket suppport PHP mbstring extension
Installation Instructions:
Upload the contents of the 'upload' directory onto a public directory on your web server.
Once uploaded, open the mAdserve Installation Wizard at and follow the installation instructions.
Replace with the public address of your web server.
Implementing the mAdserve Advertising SDK:
You can find the mAdserve iOS and Android SDKs inside the /sdk directory of your mAdserve ZIP. These SDKs are required for displaying Banner and Interstitial ads inside your iOS/Android applications.
For SDK Integration instructions, please refer to the installation guides in the respective SDK folders.
More Information about mAdserve:
If you encounter any problems or questions, please visit the mAdserve help center at