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Open CMD - go to the repo dir PSP-Validator-batch and run:
...\PSP-Validator-batch> validate.bat ?
*** Help ***
validate sourceFolder psplevel mode tools [verbosity]
1 : Source folder full path
2 : Steps to reach a PSP subfolder: 0-3
3 : Running mode: group / single / test
4 : Use ext. tools: none images im jhove jpyl kdu - default: none
5 : [optional] Verbosity: 1-3 - default: 2
validate D:\some\data 1 group none
validate D:\some\data 2 group images
validate D:\some\data 1 single im
validate D:\some\data 3 test kdu 3
...\PSP-Validator-batch> validate.bat <srcDir> <pspLevel> <mode> <tools> [<verbosity>]
Remove any diacritics and spaces from the srcDir and its subfolders !
srcDir = full path of a folder with subfolders containing PSP packages
pspLevel = 0 - single PSP dir - no group mode !
<srcDir> = <pspDir>
pspLevel = 1 - single doc - group mode: 0
pspLevel = 2 - multiple docs or single periodical - group mode: 1
pspLevel = 3 - multiple periodicals - group mode: 2
- group = uses --action VALIDATE_PSP_GROUP
- single = uses --action VALIDATE_PSP
- test = uses --action VALIDATE_PSP - no validation - only output commands to log file
- none - no external tools
- images - use all external tools
- im, jhove, jpyl, kdu - use specific tool
verbosity - logging - default: 2
- 1-3
Only in DMF Periodical_1.9 and Monograph_2.0
<validation name="Počet dlaždic">
<xmlDataExtraction resultType="INTEGER">
<element name="mets:metsHdr">
<attribute name="LASTMODDATE" mandatory="true">
Current build KomplexniValidatorCLI-2.3.1.jar - last commit 1055915
Download the project
Extract to komplexni-validator-master dir
Open the dir in CMD
Run gradlew.bat for gradle installation
Build - run in CMD:
...\komplexni-validator-master\cliModule>..\gradlew fatJar
Get the KomplexniValidatorCLI-X.X.jar from: