Winning solution for the BEEU (First International Workshop on Bodily Expressed Emotion Understanding) challenge organized at ECCV2020. Please read the accompanied paper for more details.
[Update] For an updated version please check this extension achieving significantly better results with lighter models.
- Download the BoLD dataset.
- Use in order to extract rgb and optical flow for the dataset.
- Change the directories in "" file.
Train an RGB Temporal Segment Network on BoLD dataset:
python -c config_tsn.json --modality "RGB" -b 32 --lr 1e-3 --arch resnet101 --workers 4 --num_segments 3 --exp_name "rgb tsn" -d 0,1,2,3
Add context branch:
python -c config_tsn.json --modality "RGB" -b 32 --lr 1e-3 --arch resnet101 --workers 4 --num_segments 3 --exp_name "rgb with context tsn" -d 0,1,2,3 --context
Add visual embedding loss:
python -c config_tsn.json --modality "RGB" -b 32 --lr 1e-3 --arch resnet101 --workers 4 --num_segments 3 --exp_name "rgb with context tsn" -d 0,1,2,3 --context --embed
Change modality to Flow:
python -c config_tsn.json --modality "Flow" -b 32 --lr 1e-3 --arch resnet101 --workers 4 --num_segments 3 --exp_name "rgb tsn" -d 0,1,2,3
We also offer weights of an RGB with context model with 0.2213 validation ERS and a Flow model with 0.2157 validation ERS. Their fusion achieves an ERS of 0.2613 on the test set. You can download the pretrained models here. An example on how to use them is shown in script:
python --modality "RGB" --arch resnet101 --workers 4 --context python --modality "Flow" --arch resnet101 --workers 4
If you use this code for your research, consider citing our paper.
title={Emotion Understanding in Videos Through Body, Context, and Visual-Semantic Embedding Loss},
author={Filntisis, Panagiotis Paraskevas and Efthymiou, Niki and Potamianos, Gerasimos and Maragos, Petros},
booktitle={ECCV Workshop on Bodily Expressed Emotion Understanding},
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