This repository holds the work done by Group 15a (Catalin Bahrin, Theodor Chirvasuta, Filip Davidovic) in the 2021 iteration of the Visual Computing Project (2IMV10) course of TU/e.
The goal of the project was to represent election-related data in an understandable way. This is achieved by using map representations such as cartograms and colorpleths. The election-related data includes electoral college votes, as well as long- and short-term factors that influence election outcomes. You can read more about it in the official report.
Current version of the project is hosted here.
The project is built using "plain" JavaScript as a single page application, and is meant to run in a browser. Therefore, installing the project means cloning this repository and opening index.html
in your favorite browser (application was implemented to be cross-browser compatible, but was tested on Google Chrome). It is meant to be used with a desktop browser only, so viewing it on a mobile device may have unpredicted behavior.
git clone
cd visual-computing-project
python3 -m http.server 8080
# Open http://localhost:8080/index.html with your favorite browser