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Releases: filipebarros/alfredfm

Support for Spotify

13 May 23:10
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Now expecting player to be in a playing state instead of checking only if iTunes, Swinsian or Spotify are playing.

Keep in mind that the player search is the described previously (iTunes, Swinsian, Spotify), in other words: iTunes has the maximum priority in the search and Spotify the minimum.

Support for Swinsian

21 Jan 22:23
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Added support for Swinsian Media Player

Track Information Updates

22 Nov 15:54
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Corrected bug that prevented the download of album cover art.
Added new icon to indicate if the track loved by the user

Alfred.FM - New Features

03 Oct 22:49
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Added two more methods:

  • topartists - gets the 10 top artists of an user
  • toptracks - gets the 10 top tracks of an user

I will not update the workflow for a week and a half, so, if this release doesn't work for you, please revert and keep using the previous.


01 Oct 20:22
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  • Fixes the faulty authorization process under Ruby 1.8 by changing File.write semantics (the config file was never written under Ruby 1.8;


01 Oct 13:47
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Included a few bug fixes and code refactoring:

  • Merged love/tag/untag/ban actions in one file;
  • Corrected a bug in the similar actions;
  • Logging setup error to a file to make it easier to debug this case;