Plugin wrapper around Facebook PathPicker.
Quickly open any path on your terminal window in your $EDITOR
of choice!
- Facebook PathPicker.
prefix + f
- open a new window with a fpp selection of your current tmux pane.
Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager (recommended)
Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-fpp'
Hit prefix + I
to fetch the plugin and source it. You should now be able to
use the plugin.
Clone the repo:
$ git clone ~/clone/path
Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf
run-shell ~/clone/path/fpp.tmux
Reload TMUX environment:
# type this in terminal
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
You should now be able to use the plugin.
How can I change the default "f" key binding to something else? For example, key "x"?
Put set -g @fpp-key 'x'
in tmux.conf
How can I paste the selected file paths into my original pane, instead of launching an editor?
Put set -g @fpp-mode 'paste'
in tmux.conf
Alternatively you can bind both behaviours to different keys manually:
# Disable default binding
set -g @fpp-bind off
# Bind 'f' to run FPP launching an editor
bind-key f run-shell '~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fpp/fpp.tmux start edit'
# Bind 'x' to run FPP and paste the list of files in the initial pane
bind-key x run-shell '~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fpp/fpp.tmux start paste'
How can I specify custom path to fpp?
Put set -g @fpp-path '~/my/path/fpp'
in tmux.conf
works great with:
- tmux-urlview - a plugin for quickly opening any url on your terminal window
- tmux-copycat - a plugin for regex searches in tmux and fast match selection
- tmux-yank - enables copying highlighted text to system clipboard