Objective: Develop a REST API to solve a banking system problem, we should implement any database system, some examples are:
- Manage User Accounts
- Manage deposits, withdrawals and transfers.
- Notification System for a payments solution
- Credit score system
- Credit calculation system
- Technologies:
- Python
- Flask, Django or Fast API or any stuff of your own
- Free to use any libraries
- Use a database or any file system to save information
- Some level of unit testing
- API Endpoints:
- This should include http rest endpoints solving the problem described in the objective
- At least 2 endpoints (1 GET & 1 Post), preferably a CRUD
- Follow REST standards
- Implement any form of authorization
- Validations:
- Include at least 1 validation per endpoint
- Responses:
- Include appropriate HTTP status codes (e.g., 200, 400, 404).
- Return success or error messages in JSON format.
- Objective: Describe the objective of your api
- Guide : Should include a guide of how the endpoints work in this section
- Test cases: Examples of how to test for your api
Include the following sections:
- Prerequisites: Prerequisites to install
- Installation Steps: Commands to install the project
- Project Structure: Your folder structure and explanation
- Architecture Explanation: What arquitecture you base your idea on and principles
- API Flow Diagram: Diagram of your solution
- Include integration testing
- Use docker to install the code
- Use AWS to install your solution