Speechmatics API Client written in Elixir
Speechmatics API Documentation
The package is available via Hex, it can be installed by adding speechmatex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:speechmatex, "~> 0.1.1"}]
You will also need to register with Speechmatics and add your user id and auth token to config like so:
use Mix.Config
config :speechmatex,
customer_id: 99012,
auth_token: "J4M9ho4m1IU7wFYim9QQNrVU3aUFK5v3"
iex> Speechmatex.Account.details()
{:ok, %{"balance" => 1920, "email" => "mr_test@testerson.com", "id" => 43641}}
Send an audio file off for transcription.
iex> Speechmatex.Job.send_for_transcription("/home/developer/Downloads/example.mp3", "en-GB")
{:ok, %{"balance" => 1964, "check_wait" => 30, "cost" => 8, "id" => 2293106}}
Get the transcription of a completed job.
iex> Speechmatex.Job.get_transcription(2293106)
%{"format" => "1.0",
"job" => %{"created_at" => "Tue Apr 4 13:25:57 2017", "duration" => 79,
"id" => 2293106, "lang" => "en-GB", "name" => "DASD.mp3",
"user_id" => 19057},
"speakers" => [%{"confidence" => nil, "duration" => "22.150000",
"name" => "F2", "time" => "12.250000"},
%{"confidence" => nil, "duration" => "10.010000", "name" => "F3",
"time" => "34.400000"},
%{"confidence" => nil, "duration" => "23.820000", "name" => "F2",
"time" => "44.410000"},
%{"confidence" => nil, "duration" => "9.820000", "name" => "F3",
"time" => "68.230000"}],
"words" => [%{"confidence" => "0.610", "duration" => "0.220000",
"name" => "It's", "time" => "12.250000"},
%{"confidence" => "0.610", "duration" => "0.380000", "name" => "exciting",
"time" => "12.510000"},
%{"confidence" => "0.800", "duration" => "0.330000", "name" => ".",
"time" => "13.000000"},
%{"confidence" => "0.320", "duration" => "0.140000", "name" => "I'm",
"time" => "13.450000"},
%{"confidence" => "0.310", "duration" => "0.170000", "name" => "a",
"time" => "13.630000"},
%{"confidence" => "1.000", "duration" => "0.060000", "name" => "you",
"time" => "13.940000"},
%{"confidence" => "1.000", "duration" => "0.170000", "name" => "know",
"time" => "14.390000"}]}}
- Alignment Route
- Handle non 200 responses from API
Copyright © 2017 Findmypast
Distributed under the Apache License 2.0