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Merge pull request #1240 from theshivanshvasu/master
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Program for creating Password
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fineanmol authored Oct 28, 2021
2 parents e44f9ec + 2158dfd commit bd0afb2
Showing 1 changed file with 169 additions and 0 deletions.
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions password
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
## UPDATE 2021 : Thought of changing this with better variables and optimizations
## but left it as it is , as a memoir for old *Me Coder*

# import all the necesary libraries
import os
import shutil
import math
import itertools

# the welcome function to be displayed at the beginning of the file
def welcome():
# usig ascii color code
print("\t\t\033[91m PyForCe")
print("\n\n\t\t\033[92m An \"Intelligent\" Dictionary Creation Tool")
print("\n\n\t\t\033[96m V1.0")

def calculateBytes(x,r):
bytes = x * (r + 1)
# dividing bytes by 1000 to get kb
# kbs = bytes / 1000
# print("Calculated Size in kbs : ",kbs)
return bytes

def sizeOnhardDisk(freekb):
# size_on_disk = 0
if freekb < 4096:
sze = 1
sze = round((freekb / 4096), 1)
szplit = str(sze).split(".")
sze = int(sze)
if int(szplit[1]) > 0:
sze = sze + 1
size_on_disk = ((sze * 4096) // 1000)
return size_on_disk

# math function to calculate nCr
def nCr(n,r):
f = math.factorial
x = f(n) / f(r) / f(n-r)
return x

# the actual function that crates combinations
def createcombs(words,i):
global f
# pass the string to be combined and length of password
for c in itertools.combinations(words,i):
t = "".join(c)
f.write(t + "\n")
# print(t)

# the function to check for available and empty disk space
def checkdiskspace(passfilelength):
# returns a tuple
total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage("/")
# calculate the size in gigabits
freeGb = (free // (2**30)) - 1
pass_file_length_GB = (((passfilelength // 1024) // 1024) // 1024)
# just log codes
# print(freeGb," GB")
# print("length of pass file ", pass_file_length_GB, " GB")
# print(freeGb)
# print(pass_file_length_GB)
if freeGb - pass_file_length_GB > 1:
print(" \n\nEnough Available Disk Space\n Creating Password Dictionary...")
print("\033[91m Your Device Doesn't Have Enough Disk Space..\n Quitting...")
# code to reset the color changes

# the function to check for valid Characters
# feel free to add or remove characters as per requirements
# if you don't want to check go to the main function and disable the function call
def checkForCharacters(kword):
chars = "!@#$%^&*()_+-=?></\"';|~`,'"
for k in kword:
if k in chars:
print("\033[91m Alert Invalid Characters Found")
# code to reset the color changes
# any special charcter found
# need to exit the code
return False
# print("ok")
return True

# start the execution
# only if this file is executed
if __name__ == "__main__":
global f
# clear the console according to the OS
# didn't check it on windows yet
# :p
if == "nt":
# call the welcome function to show the welcome screen

kwords = input("\n\n\033[34m Enter Keywords Related To victim Seperated By Commas \n > ")
klist = kwords.split(",")
kwords = "".join(klist)
# to change the minimum length change the value here
if len(kwords) <= 7:
# to less characters to create combinations
print("\033[91m Too Less Characters...")
# code to reset the color changes
# hence exit
if checkForCharacters(kwords):
# every char is valid
# ask the length of password
password_Length = input("\n\n\033[34m Enter Password Length\n For More Values Seperate Them By Spaces > ")
# re assign the values to password_Length but as a list seperated
password_Length = password_Length.split(" ")
# check the list for any value to be less than 6 and greater than 12
# you can change the values in the loop below to achieve your desired length
# assuming that you will not flood the list with unneed values
# no checking for length or for duplicate values in the list
# -----
# converting the values of list (password_Length) to string
for i in range(0, len(password_Length)):
password_Length[i] = int(password_Length[i])
except ValueError:
print("\033[91m Invalid Characters Found For \"Password Length\"")
# code to reset the color changes
# after successfuly converting the values of list to integer
# check if each value is less than 12 and greater than 6
for i in password_Length:
if int(i) < 6 or int(i) > 12:
print("\033[91m Enter Password Length To be less Than 12 And greater Than 6..")
# code to reset the color changes
# now check for the no of possible combinations
temp = 0
tempkb = 0
for i in password_Length:
x = nCr(len(kwords), i)
kbs = calculateBytes(x,i)
temp = temp + x
tempkb = tempkb + kbs
# print(tempkb)
tempkb = int(tempkb)
print("\033[33m\n\n",int(temp)," Possible Items")
print("\033[33m Size It Will Take On HardDisk is ", sizeOnhardDisk(int(tempkb)), " Kb")
choice = input("\033[33m Would You Like To Continue (y/n) : ")
if choice == "y":
# createcombs(kwords)
f = open("passwords.txt", "w")
for i in password_Length:
print(" Created..")
# code to reset the color changes

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