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#979 updated test to use basket trade instance id seperate from baske…
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naleeha committed Dec 5, 2023
1 parent a6d3173 commit 2441862
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package org.finos.vuu.core.module.basket

import org.finos.toolbox.jmx.{MetricsProvider, MetricsProviderImpl}
import org.finos.toolbox.lifecycle.LifecycleContainer
import org.finos.toolbox.time.{Clock, TestFriendlyClock}
import org.finos.vuu.api.JoinTableDef
import org.finos.vuu.core.module.TableDefContainer
import org.finos.vuu.core.module.basket.TestHelper.TestDataFactory
import org.finos.vuu.core.module.basket.service.BasketTradingConstituentJoinServiceIF
import org.finos.vuu.core.module.price.PriceModule
import org.finos.vuu.core.table.{DataTable, JoinTable, RowWithData, TableContainer}
import org.finos.vuu.order.oms.OmsApi
import org.finos.vuu.test.VuuServerTestCase
import org.finos.vuu.util.table.TableAsserts.assertVpEq
import org.finos.vuu.viewport.ViewPortSelection
import org.scalatest.Ignore
import org.scalatest.prop.Tables.Table

@Ignore //working progress
class BasketConstituentMutateTest extends VuuServerTestCase {

import BasketModule._
implicit val clock: Clock = new TestFriendlyClock(10001L)
implicit val lifecycle: LifecycleContainer = new LifecycleContainer()
implicit val tableDefContainer: TableDefContainer = new TableDefContainer(Map())
implicit val metricsProvider: MetricsProvider = new MetricsProviderImpl
val omsApi = OmsApi()
Feature("Basket Trading Constituent Join Service Test Case") {
Scenario("Update selected trade constituent sides when menu action is triggered") {
withVuuServer(PriceModule(), BasketModule(omsApi)) {
vuuServer =>

vuuServer.login("testUser", "testToken")

val basketName = "test_basket1"
val tradeId = GivenBasketTrade(vuuServer.tableContainer, basketName, "Buy")
GivenPrices(vuuServer.tableContainer, List(("VOD.L", 1.1, 1.4), ("BP.L", 2.1, 2.4)))
GivenBasketTradeConstituentsJoin(vuuServer.tableContainer, tradeId, Map(("VOD.L" -> "Buy"), ("BP.L" -> "Sell")))

val vpBasketTrading = vuuServer.createViewPort(BasketModule.NAME, BasketTradingTable)
val vpBasketTradingConsJoin = vuuServer.createViewPort(BasketModule.NAME, BasketTradingConstituentJoin)

When("we select multiple constituent rows ")
vpBasketTradingConsJoin.setSelection(Array(1, 2))

And("select set sell context menu")
val basketTradingConstituentJoinService = vuuServer.getViewPortRpcServiceProxy[BasketTradingConstituentJoinServiceIF](vpBasketTradingConsJoin)
val selection = vpBasketTradingConsJoin.getSelection
val vpSelection = ViewPortSelection(selection, vpBasketTradingConsJoin)
basketTradingConstituentJoinService.setSell(vpSelection, vuuServer.session)

Then("get all the updates that have occurred for all view ports from the outbound queue")
val updates = combineQs(vpBasketTrading)

And("assert only selected constituent has changed set side to sell")

assertVpEq(filterByVp(vpBasketTradingConsJoin, updates)) {
("quantity", "side", "instanceId", "instanceIdRic", "basketId", "ric", "description", "notionalUsd", "notionalLocal", "venue", "algo", "algoParams", "pctFilled", "weighting", "priceSpread", "limitPrice", "priceStrategyId", "bid", "ask", "filledQty", "orderStatus"),
(10L, "Buy", "testUser-00001", "testUser-00001.BP.L", ".FTSE", "BP.L", "Beyond Petroleum", null, null, null, -1, null, null, 0.1, null, null, 2, 2.1, 2.4, 0, "PENDING"),
(10L, "Sell", "testUser-00001", "testUser-00001.BT.L", ".FTSE", "BT.L", "British Telecom", null, null, null, -1, null, null, 0.1, null, null, 2, null, null, 0, "PENDING"),
(10L, "Sell", "testUser-00001", "testUser-00001.VOD.L", ".FTSE", "VOD.L", "Vodafone", null, null, null, -1, null, null, 0.1, null, null, 2, 1.1, 1.4, 0, "PENDING")

def uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString

def GivenBasketTrade(tableContainer: TableContainer, basketName: String, side: String): String = {
val table = tableContainer.getTable(BasketModule.BasketTradingTable)
val rowKey = s"$uuid.$basketName"
table.processUpdate(rowKey, TestDataFactory.createBasketTradingRow(rowKey, basketName, side),

def GivenBasketTradeConstituentsJoin(tableContainer: TableContainer, tradeId: String, ricToSide: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
val table = tableContainer.getTable(BasketModule.BasketTradingConstituentJoin)
ricToSide.foreach(item => {
val (ric, side) = item
val row = TestDataFactory.createBasketTradingConstituentJoinRow(tradeId, ric, side)
updateJoinTable(table, row)

def updateJoinTable(table: DataTable, row: RowWithData): Unit = {
val joinTable = table.asTable.asInstanceOf[JoinTable]
val baseTableDef = joinTable.getTableDef.asInstanceOf[JoinTableDef].baseTable
joinTable.sourceTables.get( match {
case Some(table: DataTable) =>
table.processUpdate(row.key, row,
case None =>
//log and throw?

def GivenPrices(tableContainer: TableContainer, prices: List[(String, Double, Double)]) = {
val table = tableContainer.getTable("prices")
for ((ric, bid, ask) <- prices) {
val rowKey = s"$uuid"
table.processUpdate(rowKey, TestDataFactory.createPricesRow(rowKey, ric, bid, ask),

//todo having issue importing side constant
//todo introduce case class BasketTrading?


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