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Vert.x Json Persistence API

This provides an asynchronous interface around a JDBC datasource to:

  • JPAClient [like vertx official JDBCClient]

    JPAClient jpaClient = JPAClient.createShared(vertx, config);
  • create table [the sql definition of table]

    jpaClient.create("create table whiskies (uuid varchar(255), name varchar(255) ", result -> {});
  • find [to find by key]

    jpaClient.find(TABLE, new JsonObject().put(TABLE_KEY, whiskyU.uuid), result_m -> {});
  • delete [to delete by key]

    jpaClient.delete(TABLE, new JsonObject().put(TABLE_KEY, whiskyP.uuid), result_d -> {});
  • merge [to merge a json object]

    jpaClient.merge(TABLE, whiskyU.toJson(), new JsonObject().put(TABLE_KEY, whiskyU.uuid), result_m -> {});
  • persist [to persist a json object]

    jpaClient.persist(TABLE, whiskyP.toJson(), result_p -> {});
  • query with named parameter

    jpaClient.query("selct * from " + TABLE + " where name = :NAME ", new JsonObject().put("NAME",,
                        result_q-> {});
  • query with dynamic restrictions handler

    RestrinctionHandler<JsonObject, String, StringBuffer> rh = new RestrinctionHandler<JsonObject, String, StringBuffer>()
            String alias = "a";
            String separator = " WHERE ";
            public void handle(JsonObject params, String table, StringBuffer toSql)
               toSql.append("select * from " + table + " " + alias + " ");
               if (params.getString("name") != null)
                  toSql.append(separator).append(alias).append(".name LIKE :name ");
                  params.put("name", "%" + params.getString("name") + "%");
                  separator = " and ";
               if (params.getString("collection_name") != null)
                  toSql.append(separator).append(alias).append(".collection_name LIKE :collection_name ");
                  params.put("collection_name", "%" + params.getString("collection_name") + "%");
                  separator = " and ";
               if (params.getString("uuid") != null)
                  toSql.append(separator).append(alias).append(".uuid = :uuid ");
                  separator = " and ";
         jpaClient.query(TABLE_NAME, params, rh, handler);

It’s a vertx-jdbc clone with new Actions and some different methods:

  • JPACreate

  • JPADelete

  • JPAFind

  • JPAHandlerQuery

  • JPAMerge

  • JPAPersist

  • JPAQuery

  • JPAStatementHelper

Also with rxActions inside:

  • Single<Void> rxCreate(String sql);

  • Single<UpdateResult> rxPersist(String table, JsonObject params);

  • Single<UpdateResult> rxMerge(String table, JsonObject params, JsonObject key);

  • Single<UpdateResult> rxDelete(String table, JsonObject key);

  • Single<ResultSet> rxQuery(String sql, JsonObject params);

  • Single<ResultSet> rxQuery(String sql, JsonObject params,RestrinctionHandler<JsonObject, String, StringBuffer> restictionHandler);

  • Single<ResultSet> rxFind(String table, JsonObject key);


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