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Metabase Firebolt Driver

Firebolt documentation page



Get the driver

Download the latest driver jar from the releases page. Make sure to check the compatibility matrix to get the right version. or Build the driver from source as described in the Build from source section.

Run Metabase locally

  1. Download the metabase.jar file from Metabase download page.
  2. Run Metabase first time. It will generate all the required files and directories, including the /plugins directory.
   java -jar metabase.jar
  1. Stop Metabase.
  2. Copy the Firebolt driver jar to the Metabase /plugins directory
  3. Start Metabase again. Firebolt connection should be available in the list of databases now.

Build from source



  1. Clone and build metabase dependency jar.

    git clone
    cd metabase
    clojure -X:deps prep
    cd modules/drivers
    clojure -X:deps prep
    cd ../..
    clojure -T:build uberjar
  2. Clone metabase-firebolt-driver repo

    cd modules/drivers
    git clone
  3. Prepare metabase dependencies

    cp ../../target/uberjar/metabase.jar metabase-firebolt-driver/
    cd metabase-firebolt-driver
    mkdir repo
    mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:repo -DgroupId=com.firebolt -DartifactId=metabase-core -Dversion=1.40 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=metabase.jar
  4. Build the jar

    LEIN_SNAPSHOTS_IN_RELEASE=true DEBUG=1 lein uberjar
  5. The jar will be available in the target directory.

Compatibility matrix

Metabase Release Driver Version Firebolt Version
<=0.47.x 3.0.1 1.0
>=0.48.x 3.1.0 1.0 and 2.0
>=0.52 3.2.0 2.0