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mesh: redesign periodic meshes
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ksagiyam committed Nov 27, 2023
1 parent b3c6d31 commit 0fe6b61
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Showing 6 changed files with 428 additions and 87 deletions.
312 changes: 274 additions & 38 deletions firedrake/cython/dmcommon.pyx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -414,12 +414,57 @@ cdef inline PetscInt _reorder_plex_closure(PETSc.DM dm,
if dm.getCellType(p) == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.POINT:
raise RuntimeError(f"POINT has no cone")
elif dm.getCellType(p) == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.SEGMENT:
# UFCInterval: 0---2---1
# PETSc.DM.PolytopeType. 1---0---2
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not implemented for {dm.getCellType(p)}")
elif dm.getCellType(p) == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.TRIANGLE:
# UFCTriangle: 1
# | \
# 5 3
# | 6 \
# 0---4---2
# PETSc.DM.PolytopeType. 4
# 3 1
# | 0 \
# 6---2---5
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not implemented for {dm.getCellType(p)}")
elif dm.getCellType(p) == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.TETRAHEDRON:
# UFCTetrahedron: 0---9---1---9---0
# \ 12 / \ 13 /
# cell = 15 7 5 6 8
# \ / 10 \ /
# 3---4---2
# \ 11 /
# 7 8
# \ /
# 0
# PETSc.DM.PolytopeType. 14--10--13--10---14
# TETRAHEDRON: \ 3 / \ 4 /
# 8 7 6 9
# cell = 0 \ / 1 \ /
# 11---5---12
# \ 2 /
# 8 9
# \ /
# 14
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not implemented for {dm.getCellType(p)}")
elif dm.getCellType(p) == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.QUADRILATERAL:
# UFCQuadrilateral: 1---7---3
# | |
# 4 8 5
# | |
# 0---6---2
# PETSc.DM.PolytopeType. 5---4---8
# 1 0 3
# | |
# 6---2---7
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not implemented for {dm.getCellType(p)}")
elif dm.getCellType(p) == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.HEXAHEDRON:
# UFCHexahedron: 3--19---7 3--19---7
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1210,6 +1255,33 @@ def create_section(mesh, nodes_per_entity, on_base=False, block_size=1):
return section

def _make_entity_permutations_c(entity_dofs,
entity_permutations_list = []
num_orientations_list = []
for dim in sorted(entity_dofs.keys()):
for entity_num in xrange(len(entity_dofs[dim])):
perm = entity_permutations[dim][entity_num]
# Remember number of possible orientations for this entity
# Assert orientations are [0, 1, 2, ..., n-1]
assert sorted(perm) == list(range(len(perm)))
for orient in sorted(perm):
# Concatenate all permutation arrays
entity_permutations_size = len(entity_permutations_list)
num_orientations_size = len(num_orientations_list)
entity_permutations_c = np.empty(entity_permutations_size, dtype=IntType)
num_orientations_c = np.empty(num_orientations_size, dtype=IntType)
for i in range(entity_permutations_size):
entity_permutations_c[i] = entity_permutations_list[i]
for i in range(num_orientations_size):
num_orientations_c[i] = num_orientations_list[i]
return entity_permutations_c, num_orientations_c

def get_cell_nodes(mesh,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1240,8 +1312,8 @@ def get_cell_nodes(mesh,
PetscInt entity_permutations_size, num_orientations_size, perm_offset
int *ceil_ndofs = NULL
int *flat_index = NULL
int *entity_permutations_c = NULL
int *num_orientations_c = NULL
np.ndarray[PetscInt, ndim=1, mode="c"] entity_permutations_c
np.ndarray[PetscInt, ndim=1, mode="c"] num_orientations_c
np.ndarray[PetscInt, ndim=2, mode="c"] cell_nodes
np.ndarray[PetscInt, ndim=2, mode="c"] layer_extents
np.ndarray[PetscInt, ndim=2, mode="c"] cell_closures
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1283,26 +1355,7 @@ def get_cell_nodes(mesh,
flat_index[i] = flat_index_list[i]
# Preprocess entity_permutations
if entity_permutations is not None:
entity_permutations_list = []
num_orientations_list = []
for dim in sorted(entity_dofs.keys()):
for entity_num in xrange(len(entity_dofs[dim])):
perm = entity_permutations[dim][entity_num]
# Remember number of possible orientations for this entity
# Assert orientations are [0, 1, 2, ..., n-1]
assert sorted(perm) == list(range(len(perm)))
for orient in sorted(perm):
# Concatenate all permutation arrays
entity_permutations_size = len(entity_permutations_list)
num_orientations_size = len(num_orientations_list)
CHKERR(PetscMalloc1(entity_permutations_size, &entity_permutations_c))
CHKERR(PetscMalloc1(num_orientations_size, &num_orientations_c))
for i in range(entity_permutations_size):
entity_permutations_c[i] = entity_permutations_list[i]
for i in range(num_orientations_size):
num_orientations_c[i] = num_orientations_list[i]
entity_permutations_c, num_orientations_c = _make_entity_permutations_c(entity_dofs, entity_permutations)
# Fill cell nodes
get_height_stratum(, 0, &cStart, &cEnd)
cell_nodes = np.empty((cEnd - cStart, dofs_per_cell), dtype=IntType)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1344,9 +1397,6 @@ def get_cell_nodes(mesh,
k += 1
if entity_permutations is not None:
return cell_nodes

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1625,6 +1675,175 @@ def cell_facet_labeling(PETSc.DM plex,
return cell_facets

def _get_firedrake_plex_permutation_dg_transitive_closure(PETSc.DM dm):
# PETSc DG1 whose DoFs are ordered according to the order
# of vertices appering in the transitive closure of the cell.
# This is the default PETSc DG coordinate representation,
# which works with the default PETSc CG coordinate FE
# in refinement.
# See _reorder_plex_closure for the transitive closure orderings.
cStart, cEnd = dm.getHeightStratum(0)
if cEnd == cStart:
dm_cell_type = -1
dm_cell_type = dm.getCellType(0) # assume single cell type
dm_cell_type = dm.comm.tompi4py().allreduce(dm_cell_type, op=MPI.MAX)
if dm_cell_type == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.POINT:
ndofs = np.array([1], dtype=IntType)
perm = np.array([0], dtype=IntType)
elif dm_cell_type == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.SEGMENT:
ndofs = np.array([2, 0], dtype=IntType)
perm = np.array([0, 1], dtype=IntType)
elif dm_cell_type == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.TRIANGLE:
ndofs = np.array([3, 0, 0], dtype=IntType)
perm = np.array([2, 0, 1], dtype=IntType)
elif dm_cell_type == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.TETRAHEDRON:
ndofs = np.array([4, 0, 0, 0], dtype=IntType)
perm = np.array([3, 2, 1, 0], dtype=IntType)
elif dm_cell_type == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.QUADRILATERAL:
ndofs = np.array([4, 0, 0], dtype=IntType)
perm = np.array([1, 0, 2, 3], dtype=IntType)
elif dm_cell_type == PETSc.DM.PolytopeType.HEXAHEDRON:
ndofs = np.array([8, 0, 0, 0], dtype=IntType)
perm = np.array([0, 4, 1, 7, 3, 5, 2, 6], dtype=IntType)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not implemented for dm_cell_type ({dm_cell_type})")
perm_offsets = np.add.accumulate(np.concatenate((np.array([0], dtype=IntType), ndofs)), dtype=IntType)
return ndofs, perm, perm_offsets

def transform_vec_from_firedrake_to_petsc(PETSc.DM dm,
PETSc.Section firedrake_sec,
PETSc.Vec firedrake_vec,
PETSc.Section petsc_sec,
PETSc.Vec petsc_vec,
"""Transform Firedrake vec to PETSc vec.
dm: PETSc.DM
finat_element: finat.finiteelementbase.FiniteElementBase
FInAT element.
firedrake_sec: PETSc.Section
`PETSc.Section` representing the Firedrake DoF layout.
firedrake_vec: PETSc.Vec
`PETSc.Vec` representing the Firedrake DoF vector.
petsc_sec: PETSc.Section
`PETSc.Section` representing the PETSc DoF layout.
petsc_vec: PETSc.Vec
`PETSc.Vec` representing the PETSc DoF vector.
use_transitive_closure_dg: bool
Whether to use PETSc DG element whose DoFs are ordered according to the transitive closure of the cell.
const PetscScalar *firedrake_array
PetscScalar *petsc_array
PetscInt n, bs, petsc_n, petsc_bs, pStart, pEnd, firedrake_pStart, firedrake_pEnd, petsc_pStart, petsc_pEnd, p, firedrake_dof, petsc_dof, total_dof = 0, firedrake_offset, petsc_offset, i, j, height
np.ndarray[PetscInt, ndim=1, mode="c"] ndofs, perm, perm_offsets

n, _ = firedrake_vec.getSizes()
petsc_n, _ = petsc_vec.getSizes()
if petsc_n != n:
raise RuntimeError(f"petsc_vec local size ({petsc_n}) != firedrake_vec local size ({n})")
bs = firedrake_vec.getBlockSize()
petsc_bs = petsc_vec.getBlockSize()
if petsc_bs != bs:
raise RuntimeError(f"petsc_vec block size ({petsc_bs}) != firedrake_vec block size ({bs})")
firedrake_pStart, firedrake_pEnd = firedrake_sec.getChart()
petsc_pStart, petsc_pEnd = petsc_sec.getChart()
pStart = firedrake_pStart if firedrake_pStart > petsc_pStart else petsc_pStart
pEnd = firedrake_pEnd if firedrake_pEnd < petsc_pEnd else petsc_pEnd
if use_transitive_closure_dg:
ndofs, perm, perm_offsets = _get_firedrake_plex_permutation_dg_transitive_closure(dm)
raise NotImplementedError("Currently not implemented for {finat_element}")
CHKERR(VecGetArrayRead(firedrake_vec.vec, &firedrake_array))
CHKERR(VecGetArray(petsc_vec.vec, &petsc_array))
for p in range(pStart, pEnd):
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetDof(firedrake_sec.sec, p, &firedrake_dof)) # scalar offset
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetDof(petsc_sec.sec, p, &petsc_dof))
if petsc_dof != bs * firedrake_dof:
raise RuntimeError(f"petsc_dof ({petsc_dof}) != bs * firedrake_dof ({bs} * {firedrake_dof})")
CHKERR(DMPlexGetPointHeight(, p, &height))
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetOffset(firedrake_sec.sec, p, &firedrake_offset)) # scalar offset
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetOffset(petsc_sec.sec, p, &petsc_offset))
for i in range(ndofs[height]):
for j in range(bs):
petsc_array[petsc_offset + bs * perm[perm_offsets[height] + i] + j] = firedrake_array[bs * firedrake_offset + bs * i + j]
total_dof += petsc_dof
CHKERR(VecRestoreArray(petsc_vec.vec, &petsc_array))
CHKERR(VecRestoreArrayRead(firedrake_vec.vec, &firedrake_array))
if total_dof != n:
raise RuntimeError(f"total number of local dofs ({total_dof}) != local vec size ({n})")

def _set_dg_coordinates(PETSc.DM dm,
PETSc.Section firedrake_dg_coord_sec,
PETSc.Vec firedrake_dg_coord_vec):
"""Set DG coordinates in plex for a periodic mesh.
dm: PETSc.DM
`PETSc.DM` representing the periodic mesh topology.
finat_element: finat.finiteelementbase.FiniteElementBase
Scalar DG finat element.
firedrake_dg_coord_sec: Function
`PETSc.Section` containing the Firedrake scalar DG DoF layout.
firedrake_dg_coord_vec: Function
`PETSc.Vec` containing the Firedrake DG coordinates.
PETSc.DM coord_dm, dg_coord_dm
PETSc.Section dg_coord_sec
PETSc.Vec dg_coord_vec
PetscScalar *dg_coords
const PetscScalar *firedrake_dg_coords
PetscInt n, gdim, cStart, cEnd, c, offset, firedrake_offset, i, j, coord_size, ndof

gdim = firedrake_dg_coord_vec.getBlockSize()
coord_dm = dm.getCoordinateDM()
dg_coord_dm = coord_dm.clone()
dg_coord_sec = PETSc.Section().create(comm=dm.comm)
dg_coord_sec.setFieldComponents(0, gdim)
cStart, cEnd = dm.getHeightStratum(0)
dg_coord_sec.setChart(cStart, cEnd)
if finat_element.entity_closure_dofs() != finat_element.entity_dofs():
raise RuntimeError(f"Expecting discontinuous element: got {finat_element}")
ndof = finat_element.space_dimension()
for c in range(cStart, cEnd):
CHKERR(PetscSectionSetDof(dg_coord_sec.sec, c, ndof * gdim))
CHKERR(PetscSectionSetFieldDof(dg_coord_sec.sec, c, 0, ndof * gdim))
dm.setCellCoordinateSection(gdim, dg_coord_sec) # gdim ignored
coord_size = dg_coord_sec.getStorageSize()
dg_coord_vec = PETSc.Vec().create(comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
dg_coord_vec.setSizes((coord_size, PETSc.DETERMINE), gdim)

def reordered_coords(PETSc.DM dm, PETSc.Section global_numbering, shape):
Expand All @@ -1633,23 +1852,40 @@ def reordered_coords(PETSc.DM dm, PETSc.Section global_numbering, shape):
Shape is a tuple of (mesh.num_vertices(), geometric_dim)."""
PETSc.Section dm_sec
PetscInt v, vStart, vEnd, offset, dm_offset
PetscInt i, dim = shape[1]
PETSc.Section dm_sec, coord_sec
PetscInt v, vStart, vEnd, offset, dm_offset, c, cStart, cEnd
PetscInt i, j, dim = shape[1]
np.ndarray[PetscScalar, ndim=2, mode="c"] dm_coords, coords
np.ndarray[PetscInt, ndim=1, mode="c"] ndofs, perm, perm_offsets

get_depth_stratum(, 0, &vStart, &vEnd)

if isinstance(dm, PETSc.DMPlex):
dm_sec = dm.getCoordinateSection()
dm_coords = dm.getCoordinatesLocal().array.reshape(shape)
coords = np.empty_like(dm_coords)
for v in range(vStart, vEnd):
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetOffset(global_numbering.sec, v, &offset))
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetOffset(dm_sec.sec, v, &dm_offset))
dm_offset = dm_offset//dim
for i in range(dim):
coords[offset, i] = dm_coords[dm_offset, i]
if not dm.getCoordinatesLocalized():
# Use CG coordiantes.
dm_sec = dm.getCoordinateSection()
dm_coords = dm.getCoordinatesLocal().array.reshape(shape)
coords = np.empty_like(dm_coords)
for v in range(vStart, vEnd):
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetOffset(global_numbering.sec, v, &offset))
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetOffset(dm_sec.sec, v, &dm_offset))
dm_offset = dm_offset//dim
for i in range(dim):
coords[offset, i] = dm_coords[dm_offset, i]
# Use DG coordiantes.
get_height_stratum(, 0, &cStart, &cEnd)
dim = dm.getCoordinateDim()
ndofs, perm, perm_offsets = _get_firedrake_plex_permutation_dg_transitive_closure(dm)
dm_sec = dm.getCellCoordinateSection()
dm_coords = dm.getCellCoordinatesLocal().array.reshape(((cEnd - cStart) * ndofs[0], dim))
coords = np.empty_like(dm_coords)
for c in range(cStart, cEnd):
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetOffset(global_numbering.sec, c, &offset)) # scalar offset
CHKERR(PetscSectionGetOffset(dm_sec.sec, c, &dm_offset))
dm_offset = dm_offset // dim
for j in range(ndofs[0]):
for i in range(dim):
coords[offset + j, i] = dm_coords[dm_offset + perm[perm_offsets[0] + j], i]
elif isinstance(dm, PETSc.DMSwarm):
# NOTE DMSwarm coords field isn't copied so make sure
# dm.restoreField is called too!
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions firedrake/cython/petschdr.pxi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ cdef extern from "petscsys.h" nogil:
cdef extern from "petscdmplex.h" nogil:
int DMPlexGetHeightStratum(PETSc.PetscDM,PetscInt,PetscInt*,PetscInt*)
int DMPlexGetDepthStratum(PETSc.PetscDM,PetscInt,PetscInt*,PetscInt*)
int DMPlexGetPointHeight(PETSc.PetscDM,PetscInt,PetscInt*)
int DMPlexGetPointDepth(PETSc.PetscDM,PetscInt,PetscInt*)

int DMPlexGetChart(PETSc.PetscDM,PetscInt*,PetscInt*)
int DMPlexGetConeSize(PETSc.PetscDM,PetscInt,PetscInt*)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,11 +70,15 @@ cdef extern from "petscdmswarm.h" nogil:
cdef extern from "petscvec.h" nogil:
int VecGetArray(PETSc.PetscVec,PetscScalar**)
int VecRestoreArray(PETSc.PetscVec,PetscScalar**)
int VecGetArrayRead(PETSc.PetscVec,const PetscScalar**)
int VecRestoreArrayRead(PETSc.PetscVec,const PetscScalar**)

cdef extern from "petscis.h" nogil:
int PetscSectionGetOffset(PETSc.PetscSection,PetscInt,PetscInt*)
int PetscSectionGetDof(PETSc.PetscSection,PetscInt,PetscInt*)
int PetscSectionSetDof(PETSc.PetscSection,PetscInt,PetscInt)
int PetscSectionSetFieldDof(PETSc.PetscSection,PetscInt,PetscInt,PetscInt)
int PetscSectionGetFieldDof(PETSc.PetscSection,PetscInt,PetscInt,PetscInt*)
int PetscSectionGetMaxDof(PETSc.PetscSection,PetscInt*)
int PetscSectionSetPermutation(PETSc.PetscSection,PETSc.PetscIS)
int ISGetIndices(PETSc.PetscIS,PetscInt*[])
Expand Down

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