Now available as a docker-hub pull:
$ docker pull fishcorn/dvtb-container
$ [NV_GPU=<your_gpu_id>] nvidia-docker run -ti \
--name dvtb \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /path/to/a/workspace:/home/developer/work \
Note that the developer
user has uid:gid == 1000:1000
, which will map to the current user for most single-user Debian/Ubuntu systems, but for other uid/gid combinations you'd have to rebuild the image (see below).
I know there are ways to remap the uid/gid, but I just haven't included one because of time. Feel free to issue a pull request to enable this though.
This is a docker container that encapsulates all of the annoying steps to get yosinski/deep-visualization-toolbox working.
See for general information, along with a video, and for the actual software.
This container is mostly to get things working easily, and will let you run this with X windows, even though it's in a container. The last bit is enabled with ideas from this excellent blog post by Fábio Rehm.
Change Dockerfile so that the uid and gid match yours, then build this container with
$ nvidia-docker build -t <name_or_tag> .
Run this container with
$ [NV_GPU=<your_gpu_id>] nvidia-docker run -ti \
--name dvtb \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /path/to/a/workspace:/home/developer/work \
Again, thanks to Fábio Rehm for doing the X Windows groundwork.
I welcome pull requests to get this working better/more efficiently.