mqtt-rewriter is a tool that can forward data from a topic to another topic.
Currently only supports two types of forwarding:
- Delay
- Template
Forward raw data from $delay/interval/actual_topic
to actual_topic
after interval
Use the go template to render the data or not and forward it to the corresponding topic.
Use the following config.yml
enable: true
enable: true
- topic: test
type: raw
- topic: test2
- topic: test2
type: json
- topic: test3
template: |-
Get value: {{.msg}}
Get nested value: {{.data.msg}}
Get value of an array by index: {{index .array 0}}
Get json of an object: {{json .data}}
Get json of an array: {{json .array}}
Range an array:
{{range $value := .array -}}
{{println $value}}
{{- end}}
Range an array with index:
{{range $index,$value := .array -}}
{{printf "%d:%s\n" $index $value}}
{{- end}}
Range an object:
{{range $key,$value := .data -}}
{{printf "%s:%s\n" $key $value}}
{{- end}}
Send a data to test
"msg": "I'm msg.",
"data": {
"msg": "I'm msg of data.",
"msg2": "I'm msg2 of data."
"array": ["I'm element of array[0]", "I'm element of array[1]"]
Match the first rule
- topic: test type: raw targets: - topic: test2
This rule type is raw, then program will forward raw data to topic
. -
Match the second rule when program forward raw data to
- topic: test2 type: json targets: - topic: test3 template: |- Get value: {{.msg}} Get nested value: {{.data.msg}} Get value of an array by index: {{index .array 0}} Get json of an object: {{json .data}} Get json of an array: {{json .array}} Range an array: {{range $value := .array -}} {{println $value}} {{- end}} Range an array with index: {{range $index,$value := .array -}} {{printf "%d:%s\n" $index $value}} {{- end}} Range an object: {{range $key,$value := .data -}} {{printf "%s:%s\n" $key $value}} {{- end}}
So we will received following data from topic
Get value: I'm msg. Get nested value: I'm msg of data. Get value of an array by index: I'm element of array[0] Get json of an object: {"msg":"I'm msg of data.","msg2":"I'm msg2 of data."} Get json of an array: ["I'm element of array[0]","I'm element of array[1]"] Range an array: I'm element of array[0] I'm element of array[1] Range an array with index: 0:I'm element of array[0] 1:I'm element of array[1] Range an object: msg:I'm msg of data. msg2:I'm msg2 of data.