This Repo contains the Preprocessing Code for 3D Medical Imaging
From the last year of my undergrad studies I was very queries about Biomedical Imaging. But until the starting my master I don't have the chance to go deep into medical imaging. Like most people at the beginning, I also suffered and was a bit confused about a few things. In this notebook, I will try to easily explain/show commonly used Preprocessing in Medical Imaging especially with 3D Nifti.
In this tutorial we will be using Public Abdomen Dataset From: Multi-Atlas Labeling Beyond the Cranial Vault - Workshop and Challenge Link:!Synapse:syn3193805/wiki/217789
In this Notebook we will cover
- Reading Nifti Data and ploting
- Different Intensity Normalization Approaches
- Resampling 3D CT data
- Cropping and Padding CT data
- Histogram equalization
- Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP)
if You want know about MRI Histogram Matching, Histogram Equalization and Registration, You could have a look to my repo
To Learn about Segmentation
Brain Tissue Segmentation, 3D :
Chest-Abdomen-Pelvis (Segmentation) 3D DenseVnet :
3D-Unet :
* SimpleITK
* numpy
* scipy
* skimage
* cv2
# CT
img_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(ct_path, sitk.sitkFloat32) # Reading CT
image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img_sitk) #Converting sitk_metadata to image Array
# Mask
mask_sitk = sitk.ReadImage(ct_label_path,sitk.sitkInt32) # Reading CT
mask = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(mask_sitk)#Converting sitk_metadata to image Array
def normalise(image):
# normalise and clip images -1000 to 800
np_img = image
np_img = np.clip(np_img, -1000., 800.).astype(np.float32)
return np_img
def whitening(image):
"""Whitening. Normalises image to zero mean and unit variance."""
image = image.astype(np.float32)
mean = np.mean(image)
std = np.std(image)
if std > 0:
ret = (image - mean) / std
ret = image * 0.
return ret
def normalise_zero_one(image):
"""Image normalisation. Normalises image to fit [0, 1] range."""
image = image.astype(np.float32)
minimum = np.min(image)
maximum = np.max(image)
if maximum > minimum:
ret = (image - minimum) / (maximum - minimum)
ret = image * 0.
return ret
def normalise_one_one(image):
"""Image normalisation. Normalises image to fit [-1, 1] range."""
ret = normalise_zero_one(image)
ret *= 2.
ret -= 1.
return ret
def resample_img(itk_image, out_spacing=[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], is_label=False):
# resample images to 2mm spacing with simple itk
original_spacing = itk_image.GetSpacing()
original_size = itk_image.GetSize()
out_size = [
int(np.round(original_size[0] * (original_spacing[0] / out_spacing[0]))),
int(np.round(original_size[1] * (original_spacing[1] / out_spacing[1]))),
int(np.round(original_size[2] * (original_spacing[2] / out_spacing[2])))]
resample = sitk.ResampleImageFilter()
if is_label:
return resample.Execute(itk_image)
def resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, img_size=(64, 64, 64), **kwargs):
"""Image resizing. Resizes image by cropping or padding dimension
to fit specified size.
image (np.ndarray): image to be resized
img_size (list or tuple): new image size
kwargs (): additional arguments to be passed to np.pad
np.ndarray: resized image
assert isinstance(image, (np.ndarray, np.generic))
assert (image.ndim - 1 == len(img_size) or image.ndim == len(img_size)), \
'Example size doesnt fit image size'
# Get the image dimensionality
rank = len(img_size)
# Create placeholders for the new shape
from_indices = [[0, image.shape[dim]] for dim in range(rank)]
to_padding = [[0, 0] for dim in range(rank)]
slicer = [slice(None)] * rank
# For each dimensions find whether it is supposed to be cropped or padded
for i in range(rank):
if image.shape[i] < img_size[i]:
to_padding[i][0] = (img_size[i] - image.shape[i]) // 2
to_padding[i][1] = img_size[i] - image.shape[i] - to_padding[i][0]
from_indices[i][0] = int(np.floor((image.shape[i] - img_size[i]) / 2.))
from_indices[i][1] = from_indices[i][0] + img_size[i]
# Create slicer object to crop or leave each dimension
slicer[i] = slice(from_indices[i][0], from_indices[i][1])
# Pad the cropped image to extend the missing dimension
return np.pad(image[slicer], to_padding, **kwargs)