- Language: C++
- Unit Testing: Catch2
- Finish Triangles
- Load in OBJ
- Implement Antialiasing
in PointLight
vectorToLight = position - hitPoint
direction = vectorToLight.normalized
distance = vectorToLight.magnitude
in DirectionalLight
direction = direction
distance = ##infinite##
in Shape
castsShadows = False
in colorAtPoint()
colorsofar = black
for light in lights
color t = calculate diffuse
t = specular
t = ambient
lightDirectionDotNormal = lightRecord.direction.dot(hitRecord.normal)
shadowRay = Ray(hitRecord.overpoint, light.direction)
intersection.pointer(t > 0 and t < LightRecord.distance)
in AreaLight
vectorToLight = getNextSample() - hitPoint
Texture is an abstract class
SolidColor getTextureColor(local -> Point){base color} if sin(point.x) < 0 color 1 else: color2 FuzzyStripes: t = (sin(point.x) + 1)/2 return color1*t+color2(1-t)
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
// Computes the normal to this shape at the point p_W in the world frame, W.
Tuple Shape::normalAtPoint(Tuple p_W)
// Get the 4x4 matrix that transforms points from the body frame to the world
// frame.
Matrix X_WB = transform_matrix;
// localNormal() requires the point to be in the body frame (B). So transform
// the point from Frame W to Frame B.
Tuple p_B = X_WB.inverse() * p_W;
Tuple normal_B = localNormal(p_B);
assert(std::abs(magnitude(normal_B) - 1.0) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
// Transform the normal from Frame B back to Frame W. To do this, we need
// the rotational component of X_WB because we want to change the normal to
// a different basis (W instead of B). We mimic this operation by zeroing the
// w component of normal_B.
normal_B.w = 0;
Tuple normal_W = X_WB * normal_B;
// Since scaling can be incorporated into the transformation matrix, we have
// to renormalize this vector.
return normalize(normal_W);
//String Conversion
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, Shape const& shape) {
os << shape.shape_type + ": (" + std::to_string(shape.center.x) + ", " + std::to_string(shape.center.y) + ", " + std::to_string(shape.center.z) + ")";
return os;
# Questions
- Review Monte Carlo Integration/Sampling
# Acknowledgements
- Thanks Satchel Baldwin for helping with the `makefile`
- Thanks Evan Drumwright for introducing me to monograph notation