####Global Modulas
- Install Node & NPM tutorial
- Install bower $npm install -g bower
- Install grunt $npm install -g grunt-cli
- Install nodemon $npm install -g nodemon
- Install less $npm install -g less.
####Init framework
- cd into framework folder
- run $npm install
- cd into framework/public folder run $bower install
- cd back out to framework run $nodemon
- in another window cd into framework run $grunt watch
- develop/ play
###Folder Structure
- app / the backend js
- bin / server framework
- config / db configurations
- node_modules
- public / all the public files needed by the client
- bower_components
- images
- javascripts
- build
- src
- stylesheets
- build
- src
- bower.json
- routes
- index.js the main routing
- ussers.js
- views
- layouts
- partials
- .gitignore / files that won't be committed
- app.js / apps engine connects the pieces
- Gruntfile.js / runs grunt
- package.json / node's package controller
- processs.js / for pm2 on the server
###How the framework was made
- made a new folder
- cd into it
- $npm init
- $express
- cd into public folder
- $bower init
- $mkdir buil; $mkdir src; for javascripts and stylesheets
- Bower & Node modules installed as needed
###Helpful links
- About less & bootstrap