Gatot Kaca for Visual Studio Code
A dark theme for Visual Studio Code.
- Go to
View -> Command Palette
or pressCtrl+Shift+P
- Then enter
Install Extension
- Write
Gatot Kaca
- Select it or press Enter to install
Run Visual Studio Code. The Gatot Kaca Syntax Theme will be available from File -> Preferences -> Color Theme
dropdown menu.
If you want, I have some recommended settings that you can use.
"workbench.colorTheme": "Gatot Kaca",
"editor.lightbulb.enabled": false,
"editor.selectionHighlight": false,
"editor.overviewRulerBorder": false,
"editor.renderLineHighlight": "none",
"editor.occurrencesHighlight": false,
"problems.decorations.enabled": false,
"editor.renderControlCharacters": false,
"editor.hideCursorInOverviewRuler": true,
If you'd like to contribute to this theme, please read the contributing guidelines.