still in early development stage
klynt has a very(incomplete) small api that can define resources which can be fetched using http(GET, POST or other http methods). Besides the simple fetch, a resource can be manipulated/handled by a custom module or transformed into a model(elixir struct).
The api is very simple - a resource has a name(which will be transformed into a function) and "metadata". The metadata defines some key attributes:
which is the endpoint of the resourcemodel
transform the raw response into the provided structhandler
passes the response handler's(module)handle/2
See more examples inside the test module!
The get/2
macro accepts a resource name and "metadata". The resource name
string becomes the name of the function which will be automatically defined
and available to the module that uses KL.Resource
. The metadata is a
keyword list that describes the resource.
get 'account_info', url: ""
will define a function named account_info/1
which takes a map as params
The post/2
macro accepts a resource name and "metadata". The resource name
string becomes the name of the function which will be automatically defined
and available to the module that uses KL.Resource
. The metadata is a
keyword list that describes the resource.
post "shares", url: ""
will define a function named shares/2
which takes a keyword list as a body
and map for the headers
same as post/2
the only difference beting the http method which is PUT
Add klynt to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
{:klynt, git: ""}
update dependencies:
mix deps.get