A simple library to assist with parsing fixed-width data (files) in .NET Core (C#)
Create one or more classes implementing IFixedWidthInputRecordDefinition
(defines the shape of the fixed-width line & how to parse):
public class TestInputRecordDefinition : IFixedWidthInputRecordDefinition
public string RecordName
get { return "TestRecord"; }
public IList<FixedWidthInputFieldDefinition> FieldDefinitions
get {
return new[] {
FixedWidthInputFieldDefinition.Create("NameField", 20, x => x.Trim()),
FixedWidthInputFieldDefinition.Create("FamilySizeField", 2, FixedWidthParser.ParseInt),
FixedWidthInputFieldDefinition.Create("BirthdayField", 10, FixedWidthParser.ParseIso8601Date)
Define one or more types for output records (no specific base class is necessary) with public properties decorated with FixedWidthField
public class TestOutputRecord
[FixedWidthField("TestRecord", "NameField")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[FixedWidthField("TestRecord", "FamilySizeField")]
public int NumberOfPeopleInFamily { get; set; }
[FixedWidthField("TestRecord", "BirthdayField")]
public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }
Note that the first parameter of the FixedWidthField
corresponds to IFixedWidthInputRecordDefinition::RecordName
Instantiate the parser:
var parser = new FixedWidthParser<TestOutputRecord>(new TestInputRecordDefinition());
IEnumerable<string> inputLines = ...
foreach (var record in parser.Parse(inputLines)) {
There is an alternative method ParseIter
which returns IEnumerator<TResultRecord>
as well as a static method DumpRecord(IFixedWidthInputRecordDefinition recordDefinition, string line)
which can assist debugging (e.g. when defining IFixedWidthInputRecordDefinition