You need a Ubuntu 16.04 to run Blockchain Explorer API
Install Zeromq version 4.2.2 by following the instruction: (
Install NVM:
wget -qO- | bash
Install Nodejs version: v4.8.7:
nvm install v4.8.7
Install PM2:
npm install pm2 -g
1.Clone the bchexplorer to your machine
$ git clone
2.Untar bchexplorer.tar.gz
$ cd bchexplorer
$ untar -xvzf bchexplorer.tar.gz
Go to bchexplorer folder:
$ cd bchexplorer
$ pm2 start bin/bitcored
You can then view the BCH coin block explorer at the default location: http://localhost:3001/, and your configuration file will be found in your home directory at ~/.bitcore System will take some time to synchronize all bitcoin cash blockchain data.