Today's challenge is to contribute to a Git repository, using branches and pull requests! We'll be using a Git branching workflow so we can all contribute to this same README file.
- Accept the invite to collaborate on this repository (should be an email sent to the email address associated with your GitHub account - will be sent out before the start of this Guided Session)
- Clone down this repository (don't fork it!) to a good place on your computer
- Create a new branch on your local repository (I recommend naming your branch after yourself, so my branch will be named Daniel)
- Find a GIF or image that summarizes how you're feeling today
- Copy the appropriate Share link (use small size if possible)
- Use Markdown syntax and a text editor to add the GIF or image to this file under your name
- Add and commit your local changes to your branch
- Push your branch to this repository (this step will not work if you forgot to checkout a branch in step 2!)
- Start a pull request for me to review
I will either accept your pull request, or send you feedback on what you need to do to improve!