Script to export zkSnark proofs generated with pepper into solidity smart contracts.
Install pepper to ~/pequin
(or chose another path and replace all occurrences in this tutorial).
To create a proof that is verifiable on the EVM, you need to replace the default curve -DCURVE_BN128
with the EVM curve -DCURVE_ALT_BN128
in ~/pequin/pepper/Makefile
Next, export pepper's libsnark installation folder into $LIBSNARK (our script shares the pepper's dependency instead of reinstalling it).
export LIBSNARK=~/pequin/thirdparty/libsnark/
Assuming you have written a snark myapp.c
. Inside ~/pequin/pepper
./ myapp
./ myapp myapp.vkey myapp.pkey myapp.raw_vkey
The last argument pepper_compile_and_setup_V
is important. This will export the unprocessed verification key, which is needed to create the smart contract.
Then inside the pepper_solidity_export repository run:
make export
bin/export contract ~/pequin/pepper/verification_material/myapp.raw_vkey
Deploy the generated smart contract e.g. using Remix
Inside ~/pequin/pepper
create a proof and also copy the inputs and outputs:
bin/pepper_prover_myapp prove myapp.pkey myapp.inputs myapp.outputs myapp.proof
cat prover_verifier_shared/myapp.inputs
cat prover_verifier_shared/myapp.outputs
Then inside the pepper_solidity_export repository run:
bin/export proof ~/pequin/pepper/prover_verifier_shared/myapp.proof
Amend the output of this script with another array containing all inputs and outputs you printed in the step above:
<exported proof>, [i_1, ..., i_n, o_1, ..., o_n]
Very large inputs/outputs might have to be converted into hex-strings. This can be easily done using python's hex()
Call verifyTx
on your deployed smart contract with this list. You should see a transaction emitting a Verified