### 514 Petitions Clerk: Review/QC of Petition
* login as taxpayer and start a case, login as petitionsclerk and find the case in the Section queue, click on the petition link:

### 676 Server Error Handling - Global Solution and Implementation
* go to any bad url like /iamabadurl

* try and login with "baduserbad!"

### 515 Petitions Clerk: Send Petition to Holding Queue for Service on IRS
* follow steps as in 514 then click the "Serve to IRS" button

### 516 Petitions Clerk/Supervisor: View/Edit cases in IRS Holding Queue (partial)
* on the same petition as in 515 note that it is in the section "sent" box, click on it to go to the document detail then click the "recall" button - note that petition/case moves back to the inbox on the section queue.

### Notes
* The staging database should be cleared to support data changes in the schema before deploying.
* npm audit is issuing a warning for serverless-dynamodb-local. Because upgrading to version 1.0.2 is a breaking change it was agreed to temporarily disable the npm audit on the efcms-service project and
provide a fix in Sprint 8.```
=== npm audit security report ===
# Run npm install serverless-dynamodb-local@1.0.2 to resolve 1 vulnerability
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ Moderate │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ node.extend │
│ Dependency of │ serverless-dynamodb-local │
│ Path │ serverless-dynamodb-local > dynamodb-localhost > rmdir > │
│ │ node.flow > node.extend │
│ More info │ https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/781 │
found 1 moderate severity vulnerability in 3548 scanned packages
1 vulnerability requires semver-major dependency updates.