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Allows to search, browse and download books from Flibusta library. Uses TOR to connect to Flibusta hidden service. Uses Telegram Bot API. Respond only to the bot admin or telegram users which are allowed by the bot admin.
First of all ensure there is a tor instance installed and available for use. You also will need Java 8 to run the bot. There are several ways you may install this bot on your host:
Make sure you have Git installed , then check out the bot source code to your host:
git clone
next you need to build the bot from source codes:
cd flibot
gradlew shadowJar
now you ready to start the bot, fat jar with all dependencies included are here starter/build/libs/starter-0.9.0-all.jar
Download it from Release page
Before you will start the bot you need to do some configuration. Bot checking for configuration parameters in the environment variables first. If there is flibot variable exist, all parameters will be read from the environment variables. Otherwise, bot searching for bot.ini file with these parameters.
- name - telegram bot name
- token - telegram bot token
- usetor - using tor or not
- torhost - host where tor installed
- torport - port of the tor
- admin - telegram username who will be admin for this bot instance
java -jar starter-0.9.0-all.jar &
Just type your favorite author name or book title in the chat, bot will ask where should it search this - among authors or book titles, additional commands supported:
/k - OPDS catalog browsing
/r <username> - add username to the allowed list (available only to the bot admin)
/u <username> - remove username from the allowed list (available only to the bot admin)